.. _data_viz: Data visualisation ################## Although **argopy** is not focus on visualisation, it provides a few functions to get you started. Plotting functions are available for both the data and index fetchers. Trajectories ------------ .. code-block:: python from argopy import IndexFetcher as ArgoIndexFetcher idx = ArgoIndexFetcher().float([6902745, 6902746]).load() fig, ax = idx.plot('trajectory') fig, ax = idx.plot() # Trajectory is the default plot .. image:: _static/trajectory_sample.png Some options are available to customise the plot, for instance: .. code-block:: python from argopy import DataFetcher as ArgoDataFetcher idx = ArgoDataFetcher().float([6901020, 6902746, 2903359]).load() fig, ax = idx.plot('trajectory', style='white', palette='hls', figsize=(10,6), set_global=True) .. image:: _static/trajectory_sample_white.png Histograms on properties ------------------------ It is also possible to create bar plot for histograms on some data properties: 'profiler' and 'dac': .. code-block:: python from argopy import IndexFetcher as ArgoIndexFetcher idx = ArgoIndexFetcher().region([-80,-30,20,50,'2021-01','2021-08']).load() fig, ax = idx.plot('dac') .. image:: _static/bar_dac.png .. code-block:: python fig, ax = idx.plot('profiler') .. image:: _static/bar_profiler.png Float dashboard --------------- When working in Jupyter notebook, you can insert the EuroArgo dashboard in a cell with: .. code-block:: python import argopy argopy.dashboard() .. image:: _static/dashboard.png and for a specific float, just provide its WMO: .. code-block:: python import argopy argopy.dashboard(wmo=6902746) .. image:: _static/dashboard_float.png