.. currentmodule:: argopy What's New ========== v0.1.10 (4 Mar. 2022) --------------------- **Internals** - Update and clean up requirements. Remove upper bound on all dependencies (:pr:`182`) by `R. Abernathey `_. v0.1.9 (19 Jan. 2022) --------------------- **Features and front-end API** - **New method to preprocess data for OWC software**. This method can preprocessed Argo data and possibly create float_source/.mat files to be used as inputs for OWC implementations in `Matlab `_ and `Python `_. See the :ref:`Salinity calibration` documentation page for more. (:pr:`142`) by `G. Maze `_. .. code-block:: python from argopy import DataFetcher as ArgoDataFetcher ds = ArgoDataFetcher(mode='expert').float(6902766).load().data ds.argo.create_float_source("float_source") ds.argo.create_float_source("float_source", force='raw') ds_source = ds.argo.create_float_source() .. currentmodule:: xarray This new method comes with others methods and improvements: - A new :meth:`Dataset.argo.filter_scalib_pres` method to filter variables according to OWC salinity calibration software requirements, - A new :meth:`Dataset.argo.groupby_pressure_bins` method to subsample a dataset down to one value by pressure bins (a perfect alternative to interpolation on standard depth levels to precisely avoid interpolation...), see :ref:`Pressure levels: Group-by bins` for more help, - An improved :meth:`Dataset.argo.filter_qc` method to select which fields to consider (new option ``QC_fields``), - Add conductivity (``CNDC``) to the possible output of the ``TEOS10`` method. .. currentmodule:: argopy - **New dataset properties** accessible from the `argo` xarray accessor: ``N_POINTS``, ``N_LEVELS``, ``N_PROF``. Note that depending on the format of the dataset (a collection of points or of profiles) these values do or do not take into account NaN. These information are also visible by a simple print of the accessor. (:pr:`142`) by `G. Maze `_. .. code-block:: python from argopy import DataFetcher as ArgoDataFetcher ds = ArgoDataFetcher(mode='expert').float(6902766).load().data ds.argo.N_POINTS ds.argo.N_LEVELS ds.argo.N_PROF ds.argo - **New plotter function** :meth:`argopy.plotters.open_sat_altim_report` to insert the CLS Satellite Altimeter Report figure in a notebook cell. (:pr:`159`) by `G. Maze `_. .. code-block:: python from argopy.plotters import open_sat_altim_report open_sat_altim_report(6902766) open_sat_altim_report([6902766, 6902772, 6902914]) open_sat_altim_report([6902766, 6902772, 6902914], embed='dropdown') # Default open_sat_altim_report([6902766, 6902772, 6902914], embed='slide') open_sat_altim_report([6902766, 6902772, 6902914], embed='list') open_sat_altim_report([6902766, 6902772, 6902914], embed=None) from argopy import DataFetcher from argopy import IndexFetcher DataFetcher().float([6902745, 6902746]).plot('qc_altimetry') IndexFetcher().float([6902745, 6902746]).plot('qc_altimetry') - **New utility method to retrieve topography**. The :class:`argopy.TopoFetcher` will load the `GEBCO topography `_ for a given region. (:pr:`150`) by `G. Maze `_. .. code-block:: python from argopy import TopoFetcher box = [-75, -45, 20, 30] ds = TopoFetcher(box).to_xarray() ds = TopoFetcher(box, ds='gebco', stride=[10, 10], cache=True).to_xarray() For convenience we also added a new property to the data fetcher that return the domain covered by the dataset. .. code-block:: python loader = ArgoDataFetcher().float(2901623) loader.domain # Returns [89.093, 96.036, -0.278, 4.16, 15.0, 2026.0, numpy.datetime64('2010-05-14T03:35:00.000000000'), numpy.datetime64('2013-01-01T01:45:00.000000000')] - Update the documentation with a new section about :ref:`data_qc`. **Internals** - Uses a new API endpoint for the ``argovis`` data source when fetching a ``region``. `More on this issue here `_. (:pr:`158`) by `G. Maze `_. - Update documentation theme, and pages now use the `xarray accessor sphinx extension `_. (:pr:`104`) by `G. Maze `_. - Update Binder links to work without the deprecated Pangeo-Binder service. (:pr:`164`) by `G. Maze `_. v0.1.8 (2 Nov. 2021) --------------------- **Features and front-end API** - Improve plotting functions. All functions are now available for both the index and data fetchers. See the :ref:`data_viz` page for more details. Reduced plotting dependencies to `Matplotlib `_ only. **Argopy** will use `Seaborn `_ and/or `Cartopy `_ if available. (:pr:`56`) by `G. Maze `_. .. code-block:: python from argopy import IndexFetcher as ArgoIndexFetcher from argopy import DataFetcher as ArgoDataFetcher obj = ArgoIndexFetcher().float([6902766, 6902772, 6902914, 6902746]) # OR obj = ArgoDataFetcher().float([6902766, 6902772, 6902914, 6902746]) fig, ax = obj.plot() fig, ax = obj.plot('trajectory') fig, ax = obj.plot('trajectory', style='white', palette='Set1', figsize=(10,6)) fig, ax = obj.plot('dac') fig, ax = obj.plot('institution') fig, ax = obj.plot('profiler') - New methods and properties for data and index fetchers. (:pr:`56`) by `G. Maze `_. The :meth:`argopy.DataFetcher.load` and :meth:`argopy.IndexFetcher.load` methods internally call on the `to_xarray()` methods and store results in the fetcher instance. The :meth:`argopy.DataFetcher.to_xarray` will trigger a fetch on every call, while the :meth:`argopy.DataFetcher.load` will not. .. code-block:: python from argopy import DataFetcher as ArgoDataFetcher loader = ArgoDataFetcher().float([6902766, 6902772, 6902914, 6902746]) loader.load() loader.data loader.index loader.to_index() .. code-block:: python from argopy import IndexFetcher as ArgoIndexFetcher indexer = ArgoIndexFetcher().float([6902766, 6902772]) indexer.load() indexer.index - Add optional speed of sound computation to xarray accessor teos10 method. (:pr:`90`) by `G. Maze `_. - Code spell fixes (:pr:`89`) by `K. Schwehr `_. **Internals** - Check validity of access points options (WMO and box) in the facade, no checks at the fetcher level. (:pr:`92`) by `G. Maze `_. - More general options. Fix :issue:`91`. (:pr:`102`) by `G. Maze `_. - ``trust_env`` to allow for local environment variables to be used by fsspec to connect to the internet. Useful for those using a proxy. - Documentation on `Read The Docs` now uses a pip environment and get rid of memory eager conda. (:pr:`103`) by `G. Maze `_. - :class:`xarray.Dataset` argopy accessor ``argo`` has a clean documentation. **Breaking changes with previous versions** - Drop support for python 3.6 and older. Lock range of dependencies version support. - In the plotters module, the ``plot_dac`` and ``plot_profilerType`` functions have been replaced by ``bar_plot``. (:pr:`56`) by `G. Maze `_. **Internals** - Internal logging available and upgrade dependencies version support (:pr:`56`) by `G. Maze `_. To see internal logs, you can set-up your application like this: .. code-block:: python import logging DEBUGFORMATTER = '%(asctime)s [%(levelname)s] [%(name)s] %(filename)s:%(lineno)d: %(message)s' logging.basicConfig( level=logging.DEBUG, format=DEBUGFORMATTER, datefmt='%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p', handlers=[logging.FileHandler("argopy.log", mode='w')] ) v0.1.7 (4 Jan. 2021) ----------------------- Long due release ! **Features and front-end API** - Live monitor for the status (availability) of data sources. See documentation page on :ref:`api-status`. (:pr:`36`) by `G. Maze `_. .. code-block:: python import argopy argopy.status() # or argopy.status(refresh=15) .. image:: _static/status_monitor.png :width: 350 - Optimise large data fetching with parallelization, for all data fetchers (erddap, localftp and argovis). See documentation page on :ref:`parallel`. Two parallel methods are available: multi-threading or multi-processing. (:pr:`28`) by `G. Maze `_. .. code-block:: python from argopy import DataFetcher as ArgoDataFetcher loader = ArgoDataFetcher(parallel=True) loader.float([6902766, 6902772, 6902914, 6902746]).to_xarray() loader.region([-85,-45,10.,20.,0,1000.,'2012-01','2012-02']).to_xarray() **Breaking changes with previous versions** - In the teos10 xarray accessor, the ``standard_name`` attribute will now be populated using values from the `CF Standard Name table `_ if one exists. The previous values of ``standard_name`` have been moved to the ``long_name`` attribute. (:pr:`74`) by `A. Barna `_. - The unique resource identifier property is now named ``uri`` for all data fetchers, it is always a list of strings. **Internals** - New ``open_mfdataset`` and ``open_mfjson`` methods in Argo stores. These can be used to open, pre-process and concatenate a collection of paths both in sequential or parallel order. (:pr:`28`) by `G. Maze `_. - Unit testing is now done on a controlled conda environment. This allows to more easily identify errors coming from development vs errors due to dependencies update. (:pr:`65`) by `G. Maze `_. v0.1.6 (31 Aug. 2020) --------------------- - **JOSS paper published**. You can now cite argopy with a clean reference. (:pr:`30`) by `G. Maze `_ and `K. Balem `_. Maze G. and Balem K. (2020). argopy: A Python library for Argo ocean data analysis. *Journal of Open Source Software*, 5(52), 2425 doi: `10.21105/joss.02425 `_. v0.1.5 (10 July 2020) --------------------- **Features and front-end API** - A new data source with the **argovis** data fetcher, all access points available (:pr:`24`). By `T. Tucker `_ and `G. Maze `_. .. code-block:: python from argopy import DataFetcher as ArgoDataFetcher loader = ArgoDataFetcher(src='argovis') loader.float(6902746).to_xarray() loader.profile(6902746, 12).to_xarray() loader.region([-85,-45,10.,20.,0,1000.,'2012-01','2012-02']).to_xarray() - Easily compute `TEOS-10 `_ variables with new argo accessor function **teos10**. This needs `gsw `_ to be installed. (:pr:`37`) By `G. Maze `_. .. code-block:: python from argopy import DataFetcher as ArgoDataFetcher ds = ArgoDataFetcher().region([-85,-45,10.,20.,0,1000.,'2012-01','2012-02']).to_xarray() ds = ds.argo.teos10() ds = ds.argo.teos10(['PV']) ds_teos10 = ds.argo.teos10(['SA', 'CT'], inplace=False) - **argopy** can now be installed with conda (:pr:`29`, :pr:`31`, :pr:`32`). By `F. Fernandes `_. .. code-block:: text conda install -c conda-forge argopy **Breaking changes with previous versions** - The ``local_ftp`` option of the ``localftp`` data source must now points to the folder where the ``dac`` directory is found. This breaks compatibility with rsynced local FTP copy because rsync does not give a ``dac`` folder (e.g. :issue:`33`). An instructive error message is raised to notify users if any of the DAC name is found at the n-1 path level. (:pr:`34`). **Internals** - Implement a webAPI availability check in unit testing. This allows for more robust ``erddap`` and ``argovis`` tests that are not only based on internet connectivity only. (:commit:`5a46a39a3368431c6652608ee7241888802f334f`). v0.1.4 (24 June 2020) --------------------- **Features and front-end API** - Standard levels interpolation method available in **standard** user mode (:pr:`23`). By `K. Balem `_. .. code-block:: python ds = ArgoDataFetcher().region([-85,-45,10.,20.,0,1000.,'2012-01','2012-12']).to_xarray() ds = ds.argo.point2profile() ds_interp = ds.argo.interp_std_levels(np.arange(0,900,50)) - Insert in a Jupyter notebook cell the `Euro-Argo fleet monitoring `_ dashboard page, possibly for a specific float (:pr:`20`). By `G. Maze `_. .. code-block:: python import argopy argopy.dashboard() # or argopy.dashboard(wmo=6902746) - The ``localftp`` index and data fetcher now have the ``region`` and ``profile`` access points available (:pr:`25`). By `G. Maze `_. **Breaking changes with previous versions** [None] **Internals** - Now uses `fsspec `_ as file system for caching as well as accessing local and remote files (:pr:`19`). This closes issues :issue:`12`, :issue:`15` and :issue:`17`. **argopy** fetchers must now use (or implement if necessary) one of the internal file systems available in the new module ``argopy.stores``. By `G. Maze `_. - Erddap fetcher now uses netcdf format to retrieve data (:pr:`19`). v0.1.3 (15 May 2020) -------------------- **Features and front-end API** - New ``index`` fetcher to explore and work with meta-data (:pr:`6`). By `K. Balem `_. .. code-block:: python from argopy import IndexFetcher as ArgoIndexFetcher idx = ArgoIndexFetcher().float(6902746) idx.to_dataframe() idx.plot('trajectory') The ``index`` fetcher can manage caching and works with both Erddap and localftp data sources. It is basically the same as the data fetcher, but do not load measurements, only meta-data. This can be very useful when looking for regional sampling or trajectories. .. tip:: **Performance**: we recommend to use the ``localftp`` data source when working this ``index`` fetcher because the ``erddap`` data source currently suffers from poor performances. This is linked to :issue:`16` and is being addressed by Ifremer. The ``index`` fetcher comes with basic plotting functionalities with the :func:`argopy.IndexFetcher.plot` method to rapidly visualise measurement distributions by DAC, latitude/longitude and floats type. .. warning:: The design of plotting and visualisation features in ``argopy`` is constantly evolving, so this may change in future releases. - Real documentation written and published (:pr:`13`). By `G. Maze `_. - The :class:`argopy.DataFetcher` now has a :func:`argopy.DataFetcher.to_dataframe` method to return a :class:`pandas.DataFrame`. - Started a draft for `JOSS `_ (:commit:`1e37df44073261df2af486a2da014be8f59bc4cd`). - New utilities function: :func:`argopy.utilities.open_etopo1`, :func:`argopy.show_versions`. **Breaking changes with previous versions** - The ``backend`` option in data fetchers and the global option ``datasrc`` have been renamed to ``src``. This makes the code more coherent (:commit:`ec6b32e94b78b2510985cfda49025c10ba97ecab`). **Code management** - Add Pypi automatic release publishing with github actions (:commit:`c4307885622709881e34909fd42e43f16a6a7cf4`) - Remove Travis CI, fully adopt Github actions (:commit:`c4557425718f700b4aee760292b20b0642181dc6`) - Improved unit testing (:commit:`e9555d1e6e90d3d1e75183cec0c4e14f7f19c17c`, :commit:`4b60ede844e37df86b32e4e2a2008335472a8cc1`, :commit:`34abf4913cb8bec027f88301c5504ebe594b3eae`) v0.1.2 (15 May 2020) -------------------- We didn't like this one this morning, so we move one to the next one ! v0.1.1 (3 Apr. 2020) --------------------- **Features and front-end API** - Added new data fetcher backend ``localftp`` in DataFetcher (:commit:`c5f7cb6f59d1f64a35dad28f386c9b1166883b81`): .. code-block:: python from argopy import DataFetcher as ArgoDataFetcher argo_loader = ArgoDataFetcher(backend='localftp', path_ftp='/data/Argo/ftp_copy') argo_loader.float(6902746).to_xarray() - Introduced global ``OPTIONS`` to set values for: cache folder, dataset (eg:`phy` or `bgc`), local ftp path, data fetcher (`erddap` or `localftp`) and user level (`standard` or `expert`). Can be used in context `with` (:commit:`83ccfb5110aa6abc6e972b92ba787a3e1228e33b`): .. code-block:: python with argopy.set_options(mode='expert', datasrc='erddap'): ds = argopy.DataFetcher().float(3901530).to_xarray() - Added a ``argopy.tutorial`` module to be able to load sample data for documentation and unit testing (:commit:`4af09b55a019a57fc3f1909a70e463f26f8863a1`): .. code-block:: python ftproot, flist = argopy.tutorial.open_dataset('localftp') txtfile = argopy.tutorial.open_dataset('weekly_index_prof') - Improved xarray *argo* accessor. Added methods for casting data types, to filter variables according to data mode, to filter variables according to quality flags. Useful methods to transform collection of points into collection of profiles, and vice versa (:commit:`14cda55f437f53cb19274324dce3e81f64bbb08f`): .. code-block:: python ds = argopy.DataFetcher().float(3901530).to_xarray() # get a collection of points dsprof = ds.argo.point2profile() # transform to profiles ds = dsprof.argo.profile2point() # transform to points - Changed License from MIT to Apache (:commit:`25f90c9cf6eab15c249c233c1677faaf5dc403c4`) **Internal machinery** - Add ``__all__`` to control ``from argopy import *`` (:commit:`83ccfb5110aa6abc6e972b92ba787a3e1228e33b`) - All data fetchers inherit from class ``ArgoDataFetcherProto`` in ``proto.py`` (:commit:`44f45a5657f0ef7d06583df7142db61f82d1482e`) - Data fetchers use default options from global OPTIONS - In Erddap fetcher: methods to cast data type, to filter by data mode and by QC flags are now delegated to the xarray argo accessor methods. - Data fetchers methods to filter variables according to user mode are using variable lists defined in utilities. - ``argopy.utilities`` augmented with listing functions of: backends, standard variables and multiprofile files variables. - Introduce custom errors in errors.py (:commit:`2563c9f0328121279a9b43220d197a622d1db12f`) - Front-end API ArgoDataFetcher uses a more general way of auto-discovering fetcher backend and their access points. Turned of the ``deployments`` access point, waiting for the index fetcher to do that. - Improved xarray *argo* accessor. More reliable ``point2profile`` and data type casting with ``cast_type`` **Code management** - Add CI with github actions (:commit:`ecbf9bacded7747f27c698e90377e5ee40fc8999`) - Contribution guideline for data fetchers (:commit:`b332495fce7f1650ae5bb8ec3148ade4c4f72702`) - Improve unit testing (all along commits) - Introduce code coverage (:commit:`b490ab56581d1ce0f58b44df532e35e87ecf04ff`) - Added explicit support for python 3.6 , 3.7 and 3.8 (:commit:`58f60fe88a3aa85357754cafab8d89a4d948f35a`) v0.1.0 (17 Mar. 2020) --------------------- - Initial release. - Erddap data fetcher