Source code for argopy.stores.argo_index

""" Argo index store """

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
import hashlib

from ..errors import DataNotFound
from ..options import OPTIONS
from .filesystems import filestore, memorystore

def safe_rewind(this_index_obj):
    """ Rewind io.TextIOWrapper if seekable """
    if this_index_obj.seekable():
    # except io.UnsupportedOperation:
    #     # print(type(this_index_obj))
    #     pass
    return this_index_obj

class indexfilter_proto(ABC):
    """ Class prototype for an Argo index filter

    Such classes requires a ``run`` and ``uri`` methods.


    def run(self):
        """ Take a class:`io.TextIOWrapper` and return filtered data as string (csv likes)

        index_file: class:`io.TextIOWrapper`

        csv rows matching the request, as in-memory string. Or None.
        raise NotImplementedError("Not implemented")

    def uri(self):
        """ Return a name for one specific filter run """
        raise NotImplementedError("Not implemented")

    def sha(self):
        """ Unique filter hash string """
        return hashlib.sha256(self.uri.encode()).hexdigest()

    def search_null(self, index):
        """ Perform a null search, ie return the full argo index file

        index: :class:`io.TextIOWrapper`

        csv index, as a string

        for line in index:
            if line[0] != '#':

[docs]class indexfilter_wmo(indexfilter_proto): """ Index filter based on WMO and/or CYCLE_NUMER This is intended to be used by instances of an indexstore Examples -------- # Create filters: filt = indexfilter_wmo(WMO=13857) filt = indexfilter_wmo(WMO=13857, CYC=np.arange(1,10)) filt = indexfilter_wmo(WMO=[13857, 13858, 12], CYC=12) filt = indexfilter_wmo(WMO=[13857, 13858, 12], CYC=[1, 12]) filt = indexfilter_wmo(CYC=250) filt = indexfilter_wmo() # Filter name: print(filt.uri) # Direct usage: with open("/Volumes/Data/ARGO/ar_index_global_prof.txt", "r") as f: results = # With the indexstore: indexstore(cache=1, index_file="/Volumes/Data/ARGO/ar_index_global_prof.txt").read_csv(filt) """
[docs] def __init__(self, WMO: list = [], CYC=None, **kwargs): """ Create Argo index filter for WMOs/CYCs Parameters ---------- WMO : list(int) The list of WMOs to search CYC : int, np.array(int), list(int) The cycle numbers to search for each WMO """ if isinstance(WMO, int): WMO = [WMO] # Make sure we deal with a list if isinstance(CYC, int): CYC = np.array((CYC,), dtype='int') # Make sure we deal with an array of integers if isinstance(CYC, list): CYC = np.array(CYC, dtype='int') # Make sure we deal with an array of integers self.WMO = sorted(WMO) self.CYC = CYC
@property def uri(self): """ Return a unique name for this filter instance """ if len(self.WMO) > 1: listname = ["WMO%i" % i for i in sorted(self.WMO)] if isinstance(self.CYC, (np.ndarray)): [listname.append("CYC%0.4d" % i) for i in sorted(self.CYC)] listname = "_".join(listname) elif len(self.WMO) == 0: if isinstance(self.CYC, (np.ndarray)): listname = ["AllWMOs"] [listname.append("CYC%0.4d" % i) for i in sorted(self.CYC)] else: listname = ["FULL"] listname = "_".join(listname) else: listname = "WMO%i" % self.WMO[0] if isinstance(self.CYC, (np.ndarray)): listname = [listname] [listname.append("CYC%0.4d" % i) for i in sorted(self.CYC)] listname = "_".join(listname) if len(listname) > 256: listname = hashlib.sha256(listname.encode()).hexdigest() return listname def define_search_this(self, cyc): """ Return a search function for a given cycle number """ if np.all(cyc >= 1000): def search_this(this_line): # return np.any(["" % c, this_line.split(',')[0]) for c in cyc]) return np.any(["" % c in this_line for c in cyc]) else: def search_this(this_line): # return np.any(["" % c, this_line.split(',')[0]) for c in cyc]) return np.any(["" % c in this_line for c in cyc]) return search_this def search_one_wmo(self, index, wmo): """ Search for a WMO in an argo index file Parameters ---------- index_file: _io.TextIOWrapper wmo: int Returns ------- csv chunk matching the request, as a string. Or None """ safe_rewind(index) results = "" il_read, il_loaded, il_this = 0, 0, 0 for line in index: il_this = il_loaded # if"/%i/" % wmo, line.split(',')[0]): if "/%i/" % wmo in line: # much faster than re # Search for the wmo at the beginning of the file name under: /<dac>/<wmo>/profiles/ results += line il_loaded += 1 if il_this == il_loaded and il_this > 0: break # Since the index is sorted, once we found the float, we can stop reading the index ! il_read += 1 if il_loaded > 0: return results else: return None def search_any_wmo_cyc(self, index, cyc): """ Search for a WMO in an argo index file Parameters ---------- index_file: _io.TextIOWrapper cyc: array of integers Returns ------- csv chunk matching the request, as a string. Or None """ search_this = self.define_search_this(cyc) safe_rewind(index) results = "" il_read, il_loaded = 0, 0 for line in index: if search_this(line): results += line il_loaded += 1 il_read += 1 if il_loaded > 0: return results else: return None def search_one_wmo_cyc(self, index, wmo, cyc): """ Search for a WMO and CYC in an argo index file Parameters ---------- index: _io.TextIOWrapper wmo: int cyc: array of integers Returns ------- csv chunk matching the request, as a string. Or None """ safe_rewind(index) results = "" # Look for the float: il_read, il_loaded, il_this = 0, 0, 0 for line in index: il_this = il_loaded # if"/%i/" % wmo, line.split(',')[0]): if "/%i/" % wmo in line: # much faster than re results += line il_loaded += 1 if il_this == il_loaded and il_this > 0: break # Since the index is sorted, once we found the float, we can stop reading the index ! il_read += 1 # Then look for the profile: if results: search_this = self.define_search_this(cyc) il_loaded, cyc_results = 0, "" for line in results.split(): if search_this(line): il_loaded += 1 cyc_results += line + "\n" if il_loaded > 0: return cyc_results else: return None def run(self, index_file): """ Run search on an Argo index file Parameters ---------- index_file: class:`io.TextIOWrapper` Argo index text stream Returns ------- csv rows matching the request, as in-memory string. Or None. """ # Run the filter with the appropriate one-line search if len(self.WMO) > 1: if isinstance(self.CYC, (np.ndarray)): return "".join([r for r in [self.search_one_wmo_cyc(index_file, w, self.CYC) for w in self.WMO] if r]) else: return "".join([r for r in [self.search_one_wmo(index_file, w) for w in self.WMO] if r]) elif len(self.WMO) == 0: # Search for cycle numbers only if isinstance(self.CYC, (np.ndarray)): return self.search_any_wmo_cyc(index_file, self.CYC) else: # No wmo, No cyc, return the full index: return self.search_null(index_file) else: if isinstance(self.CYC, (np.ndarray)): return self.search_one_wmo_cyc(index_file, self.WMO[0], self.CYC) else: return self.search_one_wmo(index_file, self.WMO[0])
[docs]class indexfilter_box(indexfilter_proto): """ Index filter based on LATITUDE, LONGITUDE, DATE This is intended to be used by instances of an indexstore Examples -------- # Create filters: filt = indexfilter_box(BOX=[-70, -65, 30., 35.]) filt = indexfilter_box(BOX=[-70, -65, 30., 35., '2012-01-01', '2012-06-30']) # Filter name: print(filt.uri) # Direct usage: with open("/Volumes/Data/ARGO/ar_index_global_prof.txt", "r") as f: results = # With the indexstore: indexstore(cache=1, index_file="/Volumes/Data/ARGO/ar_index_global_prof.txt").read_csv(filt) """
[docs] def __init__(self, BOX: list = [], **kwargs): """ Create Argo index filter for LATITUDE, LONGITUDE, DATE Parameters ---------- box : list(float, float, float, float, str, str) The box domain to load all Argo data for: box = [lon_min, lon_max, lat_min, lat_max, datim_min, datim_max] """ # is_indexbox(BOX) self.BOX = BOX
def _format(self, x, typ): """ string formatting helper """ if typ == 'lon': if x < 0: x = 360. + x return ("%05d") % (x * 100.) if typ == 'lat': return ("%05d") % (x * 100.) if typ == 'prs': return ("%05d") % (np.abs(x) * 10.) if typ == 'tim': return pd.to_datetime(x).strftime('%Y%m%d') return str(x) @property def uri(self): """ Return a unique name for this filter instance """ BOX = self.BOX if len(BOX) == 4: boxname = ("[x=%0.2f/%0.2f; y=%0.2f/%0.2f]") % (BOX[0], BOX[1], BOX[2], BOX[3]) else: boxname = ("[x=%0.2f/%0.2f; y=%0.2f/%0.2f; t=%s/%s]") % (BOX[0], BOX[1], BOX[2], BOX[3], BOX[4], BOX[5]) # if len(boxname) > 256: # boxname = hashlib.sha256(boxname.encode()).hexdigest() return hashlib.sha256(boxname.encode()).hexdigest() # return boxname def search_latlon(self, index): """ Search Parameters ---------- index: _io.TextIOWrapper Returns ------- csv chunk matching the request, as a string. Or None """ safe_rewind(index) results = "" iv_lat, iv_lon = 2, 3 il_loaded = 0 for ii in range(0, 9): index.readline() for line in index: this_line = line.split(",") if this_line[iv_lon] != "" and this_line[iv_lat] != "": x = float(this_line[iv_lon]) y = float(this_line[iv_lat]) if x >= self.BOX[0] and x <= self.BOX[1] and y >= self.BOX[2] and y <= self.BOX[3]: results += line il_loaded += 1 if il_loaded > 0: return results else: return None def search_tim(self, index): """ Search Parameters ---------- index: str csv like Returns ------- csv chunk matching the request, as a string. Or None """ results = "" iv_tim = 1 il_loaded = 0 for line in index.split(): this_line = line.split(",") if this_line[iv_tim] != "": t = pd.to_datetime(str(this_line[iv_tim])) if t >= pd.to_datetime(self.BOX[4]) and t <= pd.to_datetime(self.BOX[5]): results += line + "\n" il_loaded += 1 if il_loaded > 0: return results else: return None def search_latlontim(self, index): """ Search Parameters ---------- index: _io.TextIOWrapper Returns ------- csv chunk matching the request, as a string. Or None """ # First search in space: results = self.search_latlon(index) # Then refine in time: if results: results = self.search_tim(results) return results def run(self, index_file): """ Run search on an Argo index file Parameters ---------- index_file: class:`io.TextIOWrapper` Argo index text stream Returns ------- csv rows matching the request, as in-memory string. Or None. """ # Run the filter: if len(self.BOX) == 4: return self.search_latlon(index_file) else: return self.search_latlontim(index_file)
[docs]class indexstore(): """Legacy Argo index store. Examples -------- BOX = [-60, -55, 40., 45., '2007-08-01', '2007-09-01'] filt = indexfilter_box(BOX) df = indexstore(cache=True).read_csv(filt) """
[docs] def __init__(self, cache: bool = False, cachedir: str = "", index_file: str = "ar_index_global_prof.txt", **kw): """ Create a file storage system for Argo index file requests Parameters ---------- cache : bool (False) cachedir : str (used value in global OPTIONS) index_file: str ("ar_index_global_prof.txt") """ self.index_file = index_file self.cache = cache self.cachedir = OPTIONS['cachedir'] if cachedir == '' else cachedir self.fs = {} self.fs['index'] = filestore(cache, cachedir) # Manage the full index self.fs['search'] = memorystore(cache, cachedir) # Manage the search results
def cachepath(self, uri: str, errors: str = 'raise'): """ Return path to cached file for a given URI """ return self.fs['search'].cachepath(uri, errors) def clear_cache(self): self.fs['index'].clear_cache() self.fs['search'].clear_cache() # def in_cache(self, fs, uri): # """ Return True if uri is cached """ # if not uri.startswith(fs.target_protocol): # store_path = fs.target_protocol + "://" + uri # else: # store_path = uri # fs.load_cache() # return store_path in fs.cached_files[-1] # def in_memory(self, fs, uri): # """ Return True if uri is in memory """ # return fs.exists(uri) # def open_index(self): # return self.fs['index'].open(self.index_file, "r") def res2dataframe(self, results): """ Convert a csv like string into a DataFrame If one columns has a missing value, the row is skipped Parameters ---------- str Returns ------- :class:`pandas.Dataframe` """ cols_name = ['file', 'date', 'latitude', 'longitude', 'ocean', 'profiler_type', 'institution', 'date_update'] cols_type = {'file': np.str_, 'date': np.datetime64, 'latitude': np.float32, 'longitude': np.float32, 'ocean': np.str_, 'profiler_type': np.str_, 'institution': np.str_, 'date_update': np.datetime64} data = [x.split(',') for x in results.split('\n') if ",," not in x] return pd.DataFrame(data, columns=cols_name).astype(cols_type)[:-1] def read_csv(self, search): """ Run a search on an csv Argo index file and return a Pandas DataFrame with results Parameters ---------- search: :class:`indexfilter_wmo` or :class:`indexfilter_box` Class instance inheriting from :class:`indexfilter_proto` Returns ------- :class:`pandas.DataFrame` """ if self.fs['search'].exists(search.uri): # print('\nSearch already in memory, loading:', search.uri) results = "" with self.fs['search'], "r") as of: results += of.readline() else: # print('\nRunning search from scratch ...') with self.fs['index'].open(self.index_file, "r") as f: # Run search: results = if not results: raise DataNotFound("No data found in index: %s" % search.uri) # and save results for caching: if self.cache: with self.fs['search'].open(search.uri, "w") as of: of.write(results) # Save in "memory" results = "" with self.fs['search'], "r") as of: results += of.readline() # Trigger save in cache file return self.res2dataframe(results)