Source code for argopy.fetchers

#!/bin/env python
# -*coding: UTF-8 -*-

High level helper methods to load Argo data from any source
The facade should be able to work with all available data access point,

Usage for LOCALFTP:

    from argopy import DataFetcher as ArgoDataFetcher

    argo_loader = ArgoDataFetcher(src='localftp', ds='phy')
    argo_loader = ArgoDataFetcher(src='localftp', ds='bgc')

    argo_loader.float([6902746, 6902747, 6902757, 6902766]).to_xarray()

Usage for ERDDAP (default src):

    from argopy import DataFetcher as ArgoDataFetcher

    argo_loader = ArgoDataFetcher(src='erddap')
    argo_loader = ArgoDataFetcher(src='erddap', cachedir='tmp', cache=True)
    argo_loader = ArgoDataFetcher(src='erddap', ds='ref')

    argo_loader.profile(6902746, 34).to_xarray()
    argo_loader.profile(6902746, np.arange(12,45)).to_xarray()
    argo_loader.profile(6902746, [1,12]).to_xarray()
    argo_loader.float([6902746, 6902747, 6902757, 6902766]).to_xarray()
    argo_loader.float([6902746, 6902747, 6902757, 6902766], CYC=1).to_xarray()


import os
import sys
import glob
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr
import numpy as np
import warnings

from argopy.options import OPTIONS, _VALIDATORS
from .errors import InvalidFetcherAccessPoint, InvalidFetcher

from .utilities import list_available_data_src
AVAILABLE_SOURCES = list_available_data_src()

# Import plotters :
from .plotters import plot_trajectory, plot_dac, plot_profilerType

# Highest level API / Facade:
[docs]class ArgoDataFetcher(object): """ Fetch and process Argo data. Can return data selected from: - one or more float(s), defined by WMOs - one or more profile(s), defined for one WMO and one or more CYCLE NUMBER - a space/time rectangular domain, defined by lat/lon/pres/time range Can return data from the regular Argo dataset ('phy': temperature, salinity) and the Argo referenced dataset used in DMQC ('ref': temperature, salinity). This is the main API facade. Specify here all options to data_fetchers. """
[docs] def __init__(self, mode: str = "", src : str = "", ds: str = "", **fetcher_kwargs): # Facade options: self._mode = OPTIONS['mode'] if mode == '' else mode self._dataset_id = OPTIONS['dataset'] if ds == '' else ds self._src = OPTIONS['src'] if src == '' else src _VALIDATORS['mode'](self._mode) _VALIDATORS['src'](self._src) _VALIDATORS['dataset'](self._dataset_id) # Load src access points: if self._src not in AVAILABLE_SOURCES: raise ValueError("Data fetcher '%s' not available" % self._src) else: Fetchers = AVAILABLE_SOURCES[self._src] # Auto-discovery of access points for this fetcher: # rq: Access point names for the facade are not the same as the access point of fetchers self.valid_access_points = ['profile', 'float', 'region'] self.Fetchers = {} for p in Fetchers.access_points: if p == 'wmo': # Required for 'profile' and 'float' self.Fetchers['profile'] = Fetchers.Fetch_wmo self.Fetchers['float'] = Fetchers.Fetch_wmo if p == 'box': # Required for 'region' self.Fetchers['region'] = Fetchers.Fetch_box # Init sub-methods: self.fetcher = None if ds is None: ds = Fetchers.dataset_ids[0] self.fetcher_options = {**{'ds': ds}, **fetcher_kwargs} self.postproccessor = self.__empty_processor # Dev warnings #Todo Clean-up before each release if self._dataset_id == 'bgc' and self._mode == 'standard': warnings.warn(" 'BGC' dataset fetching in 'standard' user mode is not reliable. " "Try to switch to 'expert' mode if you encounter errors.")
def __repr__(self): if self.fetcher: summary = [self.fetcher.__repr__()] summary.append("Backend: %s" % self._src) summary.append("User mode: %s" % self._mode) else: summary = ["<datafetcher 'Not initialised'>"] summary.append("Backend: %s" % self._src) summary.append("Fetchers: %s" % ", ".join(self.Fetchers.keys())) summary.append("User mode: %s" % self._mode) return "\n".join(summary) def __empty_processor(self, xds): """ Do nothing to a dataset """ return xds def __getattr__(self, key): """ Validate access points """ # print("key", key) valid_attrs = ['Fetchers', 'fetcher', 'fetcher_options', 'postproccessor'] if key not in self.valid_access_points and key not in valid_attrs: raise InvalidFetcherAccessPoint("'%s' is not a valid access point" % key) pass
[docs] def float(self, wmo, **kw): """ Fetch data from a float """ if "CYC" in kw or "cyc" in kw: raise TypeError("float() got an unexpected keyword argument 'cyc'. Use 'profile' access " "point to fetch specific profile data.") if 'float' in self.Fetchers: self.fetcher = self.Fetchers['float'](WMO=wmo, **self.fetcher_options) else: raise InvalidFetcherAccessPoint("'float' not available with '%s' src" % self._src) if self._mode == 'standard' and self._dataset_id != 'ref': def postprocessing(xds): xds = self.fetcher.filter_data_mode(xds) xds = self.fetcher.filter_qc(xds) xds = self.fetcher.filter_variables(xds, self._mode) return xds self.postproccessor = postprocessing return self
[docs] def profile(self, wmo, cyc): """ Fetch data from a profile given one or more WMOs and CYCLE_NUMBER """ if 'profile' in self.Fetchers: self.fetcher = self.Fetchers['profile'](WMO=wmo, CYC=cyc, **self.fetcher_options) else: raise InvalidFetcherAccessPoint("'profile' not available with '%s' src" % self._src) if self._mode == 'standard' and self._dataset_id != 'ref': def postprocessing(xds): xds = self.fetcher.filter_data_mode(xds) xds = self.fetcher.filter_qc(xds) xds = self.fetcher.filter_variables(xds, self._mode) return xds self.postproccessor = postprocessing return self
[docs] def region(self, box: list): """ Fetch data from a space/time domain Parameters ---------- box: list(lon_min: float, lon_max: float, lat_min: float, lat_max: float, pres_min: float, pres_max: float, date_min: str, date_max: str) Define the domain to load all Argo data for. Longitude, latitude and pressure bounds are required, while the two bounding dates [date_min and date_max] are optional. If not specificied, the entire time series is requested. Returns ------- :class:`argopy.DataFetcher` with an access point initialized. """ if 'region' in self.Fetchers: self.fetcher = self.Fetchers['region'](box=box, **self.fetcher_options) else: raise InvalidFetcherAccessPoint("'region' not available with '%s' src" % self._src) if self._mode == 'standard' and self._dataset_id != 'ref': def postprocessing(xds): xds = self.fetcher.filter_data_mode(xds) xds = self.fetcher.filter_qc(xds) xds = self.fetcher.filter_variables(xds, self._mode) return xds self.postproccessor = postprocessing return self
[docs] def to_xarray(self, **kwargs): """ Fetch and return data as xarray.DataSet """ if not self.fetcher: raise InvalidFetcher(" Initialize an access point (%s) first." % ",".join(self.Fetchers.keys())) xds = self.fetcher.to_xarray(**kwargs) xds = self.postproccessor(xds) return xds
[docs] def to_dataframe(self, **kwargs): """ Fetch and return data as pandas.Dataframe """ xds = self.to_xarray(**kwargs) return xds.to_dataframe()
[docs]class ArgoIndexFetcher(object): """ Specs discussion : Usage : from argopy import ArgoIndexFetcher idx = ArgoIndexFetcher.region([-75, -65, 10, 20]) idx.plot.trajectories() idx.to_dataframe() Fetch and process Argo index. Can return metadata from index of : - one or more float(s), defined by WMOs - one or more profile(s), defined for one WMO and one or more CYCLE NUMBER - a space/time rectangular domain, defined by lat/lon/pres/time range idx object can also be used as an input : argo_loader = ArgoDataFetcher(index=idx) Specify here all options to data_fetchers """
[docs] def __init__(self, mode: str = "", src : str = "", **fetcher_kwargs): # Facade options: self._mode = OPTIONS['mode'] if mode == '' else mode self._src = OPTIONS['src'] if src == '' else src _VALIDATORS['mode'](self._mode) _VALIDATORS['src'](self._src) # Load src access points: if self._src not in AVAILABLE_SOURCES: raise ValueError("Fetcher '%s' not available" % self._src) else: Fetchers = AVAILABLE_SOURCES[self._src] # Auto-discovery of access points for this fetcher: # rq: Access point names for the facade are not the same as the access point of fetchers self.valid_access_points = ['float', 'region'] self.Fetchers = {} for p in Fetchers.access_points: if p == 'wmo': # Required for 'profile' and 'float' self.Fetchers['float'] = Fetchers.IndexFetcher_wmo if p == 'box': # Required for 'region' self.Fetchers['region'] = Fetchers.IndexFetcher_box # Init sub-methods: self.fetcher = None self.fetcher_options = {**fetcher_kwargs} self.postproccessor = self.__empty_processor
def __repr__(self): if self.fetcher: summary = [self.fetcher.__repr__()] summary.append("User mode: %s" % self._mode) else: summary = ["<indexfetcher 'Not initialised'>"] summary.append("Fetchers: 'float' or 'region'") summary.append("User mode: %s" % self._mode) return "\n".join(summary) def __empty_processor(self, xds): """ Do nothing to a dataset """ return xds def __getattr__(self, key): """ Validate access points """ valid_attrs = ['Fetchers', 'fetcher', 'fetcher_options', 'postproccessor'] if key not in self.valid_access_points and key not in valid_attrs: raise InvalidFetcherAccessPoint("'%s' is not a valid access point" % key) pass
[docs] def float(self, wmo): """ Load index for one or more WMOs """ if 'float' in self.Fetchers: self.fetcher = self.Fetchers['float'](WMO=wmo, **self.fetcher_options) else: raise InvalidFetcherAccessPoint("'float' not available with '%s' src" % self._src) return self
[docs] def region(self, box): """ Load index for a rectangular space/time domain region """ if 'region' in self.Fetchers: self.fetcher = self.Fetchers['region'](box=box, **self.fetcher_options) else: raise InvalidFetcherAccessPoint("'region' not available with '%s' src" % self._src) return self
[docs] def to_dataframe(self, **kwargs): """ Fetch index and return pandas.Dataframe """ if not self.fetcher: raise InvalidFetcher(" Initialize an access point (%s) first." % ",".join(self.Fetchers.keys())) return self.fetcher.to_dataframe(**kwargs)
[docs] def to_xarray(self, **kwargs): """ Fetch index and return xr.dataset """ if not self.fetcher: raise InvalidFetcher(" Initialize an access point (%s) first." % ",".join(self.Fetchers.keys())) return self.fetcher.to_xarray(**kwargs)
[docs] def to_csv(self, file: str='output_file.csv'): """ Fetch index and return csv """ if not self.fetcher: raise InvalidFetcher(" Initialize an access point (%s) first." % ",".join(self.Fetchers.keys())) return self.to_dataframe().to_csv(file)
[docs] def plot(self, ptype='trajectory'): """ Create custom plots from index Parameters ---------- ptype: str Type of plot to generate. This can be: 'trajectory',' profiler', 'dac'. Returns ------- fig : :class:`matplotlib.pyplot.figure.Figure` Figure instance """ idx=self.to_dataframe() if ptype=='dac': return plot_dac(idx) elif ptype=='profiler': return plot_profilerType(idx) elif ptype=='trajectory': return plot_trajectory(idx.sort_values(['file'])) else: raise ValueError("Type of plot unavailable. Use: 'dac', 'profiler' or 'trajectory' (default)")