Fetching Argo meta-data

Since the Argo measurements dataset is quite complex, it comes with a collection of index files, or lookup tables with meta data. These index help you determine what you can expect before retrieving the full set of measurements. argopy has a specific fetcher for index:

from argopy import IndexFetcher as ArgoIndexFetcher
index_loader = ArgoIndexFetcher()
/home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/argopy/checkouts/v0.1.6/argopy/plotters.py:33: UserWarning: argopy requires cartopy installed for full map plotting functionality
  warnings.warn("argopy requires cartopy installed for full map plotting functionality")
idx = index_loader.region([-75, -45, 20, 30, '2011-01-01', '2011-05'])
<indexfetcher 'Ifremer erddap Argo Index fetcher'>
Domain: [x=-75.00/-45.00; y=20.00/30.00; t=2011-01-01/2011-05-01]
User mode: standard
file date longitude latitude ocean profiler_code institution_code date_update wmo institution profiler
0 aoml/1901463/profiles/D1901463_023.nc 2011-01-01 11:49:19 -45.143 24.541 A 851 AO 2018-06-29 10:07:11 1901463 AOML, USA Solo, Seabird conductivity sensor
1 aoml/4900753/profiles/R4900753_176.nc 2011-01-01 16:32:09 -68.188 27.971 A 852 AO 2019-02-26 18:26:14 4900753 AOML, USA Solo, FSI conductivity sensor
2 aoml/4901211/profiles/D4901211_010.nc 2011-01-02 10:10:50 -51.584 25.042 A 851 AO 2019-09-04 08:55:15 4901211 AOML, USA Solo, Seabird conductivity sensor
3 aoml/4900818/profiles/D4900818_135.nc 2011-01-02 10:23:10 -60.819 21.481 A 851 AO 2019-09-10 09:14:07 4900818 AOML, USA Solo, Seabird conductivity sensor
4 aoml/1901461/profiles/D1901461_023.nc 2011-01-02 11:26:40 -56.303 27.829 A 851 AO 2019-06-11 11:43:27 1901461 AOML, USA Solo, Seabird conductivity sensor
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
484 aoml/4900805/profiles/D4900805_160.nc 2011-04-30 11:38:10 -56.597 29.321 A 851 AO 2019-10-30 10:33:01 4900805 AOML, USA Solo, Seabird conductivity sensor
485 aoml/4900780/profiles/D4900780_172.nc 2011-04-30 12:02:21 -60.472 25.406 A 851 AO 2019-08-16 14:24:53 4900780 AOML, USA Solo, Seabird conductivity sensor
486 aoml/4900852/profiles/D4900852_128.nc 2011-04-30 12:02:58 -57.896 29.942 A 851 AO 2019-09-11 08:59:24 4900852 AOML, USA Solo, Seabird conductivity sensor
487 coriolis/6901049/profiles/D6901049_002.nc 2011-04-30 14:36:30 -72.232 26.710 A 846 IF 2018-06-11 14:45:15 6901049 Ifremer, France Webb Research, Seabird sensor
488 coriolis/6900778/profiles/D6900778_007.nc 2011-04-30 15:51:14 -64.979 25.704 A 846 IF 2018-11-19 16:03:50 6900778 Ifremer, France Webb Research, Seabird sensor

489 rows × 11 columns