import argopy
from argopy import DataFetcher as ArgoDataFetcher


To improve argopy data fetching performances (in terms of time of retrieval), 2 solutions are available:

  • Cache fetched data, i.e. save your request locally so that you don’t have to fetch it again,

  • Fetch data by chunks in parallel, i.e. fetch peace of independant data simultaneously.

These solutions are explained below.

Note that another solution from standard big data strategies would be to fetch data lazily. But since (i) argopy post-processes raw Argo data on the client side and (ii) none of the data sources are cloud/lazy compatible, this solution is not possible (yet).


Caching data

If you want to avoid retrieving the same data several times during a working session, or if you fetched a large amount of data, you may want to temporarily save data in a cache file.

You can cache fetched data with the fetchers option cache.

Argopy cached data are persistent, meaning that they are stored locally on files and will survive execution of your script with a new session. Cached data have an expiration time of one day, since this is the update frequency of most data sources. This will ensure you always have the last version of Argo data.

All data and meta-data (index) fetchers have a caching system.

The argopy default cache folder is under your home directory at ~/.cache/argopy.

But you can specify the path you want to use in several ways:

  • with argopy global options:

  • in a temporary context:

with argopy.set_options(cachedir='mycache_folder'):
    ds = ArgoDataFetcher(cache=True).profile(6902746, 34).to_xarray()
  • when instantiating the data fetcher:

ds = ArgoDataFetcher(cache=True, cachedir='mycache_folder').profile(6902746, 34).to_xarray()


You really need to set the cache option to True. Specifying only the cachedir won’t trigger caching !

Clearing the cache

If you want to manually clear your cache folder, and/or make sure your data are newly fetched, you can do it at the fetcher level with the clear_cache method.

Start to fetch data and store them in cache:

fetcher = ArgoDataFetcher(cache=True, cachedir='mycache_folder').profile(6902746, 34)

Fetched data are in the local cache folder:


where we see one hash entries the newly fetched data and the cache registry file cache.

We can then fetch something else using the same cache folder:

fetcher2 = ArgoDataFetcher(cache=True, cachedir='mycache_folder').profile(1901393, 1)

All fetched data are cached:


Note the new hash file with the fetcher2 data.

It is important to note that we can safely clear the cache from the first fetcher data, it won’t remove the fetcher2 data:


By using the fetcher level clear cache, you make sure that only data fetched with it are removed, while other fetched data (with other fetchers for instance) will stay in place.

If you want to clear the entire cache folder, whatever the fetcher used, do it at the package level with:


So, if we now check the cache folder, it’s been deleted:

FileNotFoundError                         Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-13-6726e674f21f> in <module>
----> 1 os.listdir('mycache_folder')

FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'mycache_folder'

Parallel data fetching

Sometimes you may find that your request takes a long time to fetch, or simply does not even succeed. This is probably because you’re trying to fetch a large amount of data.

In this case, you can try to let argopy chunks your request into smaller pieces and have them fetched in parallel for you. This is done with the argument parallel of the data fetcher and can be tuned using options chunks and chunksize.

This goes by default like this:

# Define a box to load (large enough to trigger chunking):
box = [-60, -30, 40.0, 60.0, 0.0, 100.0, "2007-01-01", "2007-04-01"]

# Instantiate a parallel fetcher:
loader_par = ArgoDataFetcher(src='erddap', parallel=True).region(box)

you can also use the option progress to display a progress bar during fetching:

loader_par = ArgoDataFetcher(src='erddap', parallel=True, progress=True).region(box)
Name: Ifremer erddap Argo data fetcher for a space/time region
API: https://www.ifremer.fr/erddap
Domain: [x=-60.00/-30.00; y=40.00/60.0 ... 00.0; t=2007-01-01/2007-04-01]
Backend: erddap (parallel=True)
User mode: standard

Then, you can fetch data as usual:

ds = loader_par.to_xarray()
100%|██████████| 2/2 [00:00<00:00,  2.11it/s]
/home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/argopy/conda/v0.1.7/lib/python3.8/site-packages/xarray/core/alignment.py:307: FutureWarning: Index.__or__ operating as a set operation is deprecated, in the future this will be a logical operation matching Series.__or__.  Use index.union(other) instead
  index = joiner(matching_indexes)
/home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/argopy/conda/v0.1.7/lib/python3.8/site-packages/xarray/core/alignment.py:307: FutureWarning: Index.__or__ operating as a set operation is deprecated, in the future this will be a logical operation matching Series.__or__.  Use index.union(other) instead
  index = joiner(matching_indexes)
/home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/argopy/conda/v0.1.7/lib/python3.8/site-packages/xarray/core/alignment.py:307: FutureWarning: Index.__or__ operating as a set operation is deprecated, in the future this will be a logical operation matching Series.__or__.  Use index.union(other) instead
  index = joiner(matching_indexes)
/home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/argopy/conda/v0.1.7/lib/python3.8/site-packages/xarray/core/alignment.py:307: FutureWarning: Index.__or__ operating as a set operation is deprecated, in the future this will be a logical operation matching Series.__or__.  Use index.union(other) instead
  index = joiner(matching_indexes)
/home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/argopy/conda/v0.1.7/lib/python3.8/site-packages/xarray/core/alignment.py:307: FutureWarning: Index.__or__ operating as a set operation is deprecated, in the future this will be a logical operation matching Series.__or__.  Use index.union(other) instead
  index = joiner(matching_indexes)
/home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/argopy/conda/v0.1.7/lib/python3.8/site-packages/xarray/core/alignment.py:307: FutureWarning: Index.__or__ operating as a set operation is deprecated, in the future this will be a logical operation matching Series.__or__.  Use index.union(other) instead
  index = joiner(matching_indexes)
/home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/argopy/conda/v0.1.7/lib/python3.8/site-packages/xarray/core/alignment.py:307: FutureWarning: Index.__or__ operating as a set operation is deprecated, in the future this will be a logical operation matching Series.__or__.  Use index.union(other) instead
  index = joiner(matching_indexes)
/home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/argopy/conda/v0.1.7/lib/python3.8/site-packages/xarray/core/alignment.py:307: FutureWarning: Index.__or__ operating as a set operation is deprecated, in the future this will be a logical operation matching Series.__or__.  Use index.union(other) instead
  index = joiner(matching_indexes)
/home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/argopy/conda/v0.1.7/lib/python3.8/site-packages/xarray/core/alignment.py:307: FutureWarning: Index.__or__ operating as a set operation is deprecated, in the future this will be a logical operation matching Series.__or__.  Use index.union(other) instead
  index = joiner(matching_indexes)
/home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/argopy/conda/v0.1.7/lib/python3.8/site-packages/xarray/core/alignment.py:307: FutureWarning: Index.__or__ operating as a set operation is deprecated, in the future this will be a logical operation matching Series.__or__.  Use index.union(other) instead
  index = joiner(matching_indexes)
/home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/argopy/conda/v0.1.7/lib/python3.8/site-packages/xarray/core/alignment.py:307: FutureWarning: Index.__or__ operating as a set operation is deprecated, in the future this will be a logical operation matching Series.__or__.  Use index.union(other) instead
  index = joiner(matching_indexes)
/home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/argopy/conda/v0.1.7/lib/python3.8/site-packages/xarray/core/alignment.py:307: FutureWarning: Index.__or__ operating as a set operation is deprecated, in the future this will be a logical operation matching Series.__or__.  Use index.union(other) instead
  index = joiner(matching_indexes)
CPU times: user 675 ms, sys: 12.1 ms, total: 687 ms
Wall time: 1.58 s

Number of chunks

To see how many chunks your request has been split into, you can look at the uri property of the fetcher, it gives you the list of paths toward data:

for uri in loader_par.uri:
    print("http: ... ", "&".join(uri.split("&")[1:-2]))  # Display only the relevant part of each URLs of URI:
http: ...  longitude>=-60.0&longitude<=-45.0&latitude>=40.0&latitude<=60.0&pres>=0.0&pres<=100.0&time>=1167609600.0&time<=1175385600.0
http: ...  longitude>=-45.0&longitude<=-30.0&latitude>=40.0&latitude<=60.0&pres>=0.0&pres<=100.0&time>=1167609600.0&time<=1175385600.0

To control chunking, you can use the ``chunks`` option that specifies the number of chunks in each of the direction:

  • lon, lat, dpt and time for a region fetching,

  • wmo for a float and profile fetching.

# Create a large box:
box = [-60, 0, 0.0, 60.0, 0.0, 500.0, "2007", "2010"]

# Init a parallel fetcher:
loader_par = ArgoDataFetcher(src='erddap',
                             chunks={'lon': 5}).region(box)
# Check number of chunks:

This creates 195 chunks, and 5 along the longitudinale direction, as requested.

When the chunks option is not specified for a given direction, it relies on auto-chunking using pre-defined chunk maximum sizes (see below). In the case above, auto-chunking appends also along latitude, depth and time; this explains why we have 195 and not only 5 chunks.

To chunk the request along a single direction, set explicitely all the other directions to 1:

# Init a parallel fetcher:
loader_par = ArgoDataFetcher(src='erddap',
                             chunks={'lon': 5, 'lat':1, 'dpt':1, 'time':1}).region(box)

# Check number of chunks:

We now have 5 chunks along longitude, check out the URLs parameter in the list of URIs:

for uri in loader_par.uri:
    print("&".join(uri.split("&")[1:-2])) # Display only the relevant URL part


You may notice that if you run the last command with the argovis fetcher, you will still have more than 5 chunks (i.e. 65). This is because argovis is limited to 3 months length requests. So, for this request that is 3 years long, argopy ends up with 13 chunks along time, times 5 chunks in longitude, leading to 65 chunks in total.


The localftp fetcher and the float and profile access points of the argovis fetcher use a list of resources than are not chunked but fetched in parallel using a batch queue.

Size of chunks

The default chunk size for each access point dimensions are:

Access point dimension

Maximum chunk size

region / lon

20 deg

region / lat

20 deg

region / dpt

500 m or db

region / time

90 days

float / wmo


profile / wmo


These default values are used to chunk data when the chunks parameter key is set to auto.

But you can modify the maximum chunk size allowed in each of the possible directions. This is done with the option ``chunks_maxsize``.

For instance if you want to make sure that your chunks are not larger then 100 meters (db) in depth (pressure), you can use:

# Create a large box:
box = [-60, -10, 40.0, 60.0, 0.0, 500.0, "2007", "2010"]

# Init a parallel fetcher:
loader_par = ArgoDataFetcher(src='erddap',
                             chunks_maxsize={'dpt': 100}).region(box)
# Check number of chunks:

Since this creates a large number of chunks, let’s do this again and combine with the option chunks to see easily what’s going on:

# Init a parallel fetcher with chunking along the vertical axis alone:
loader_par = ArgoDataFetcher(src='erddap',
                             chunks_maxsize={'dpt': 100},
                             chunks={'lon':1, 'lat':1, 'dpt':'auto', 'time':1}).region(box)

for uri in loader_par.uri:
    print("http: ... ", "&".join(uri.split("&")[1:-2])) # Display only the relevant URL part
http: ...  longitude>=-60&longitude<=-10&latitude>=40.0&latitude<=60.0&pres>=0.0&pres<=100.0&time>=1167609600.0&time<=1262304000.0
http: ...  longitude>=-60&longitude<=-10&latitude>=40.0&latitude<=60.0&pres>=100.0&pres<=200.0&time>=1167609600.0&time<=1262304000.0
http: ...  longitude>=-60&longitude<=-10&latitude>=40.0&latitude<=60.0&pres>=200.0&pres<=300.0&time>=1167609600.0&time<=1262304000.0
http: ...  longitude>=-60&longitude<=-10&latitude>=40.0&latitude<=60.0&pres>=300.0&pres<=400.0&time>=1167609600.0&time<=1262304000.0
http: ...  longitude>=-60&longitude<=-10&latitude>=40.0&latitude<=60.0&pres>=400.0&pres<=500.0&time>=1167609600.0&time<=1262304000.0

You can see, that the pres argument of this erddap list of URLs define layers not thicker than the requested 100db.

With the profile and float access points, you can use the wmo keyword to control the number of WMOs in each chunks.

WMO_list = [6902766, 6902772, 6902914, 6902746, 6902916, 6902915, 6902757, 6902771]

# Init a parallel fetcher with chunking along the list of WMOs:
loader_par = ArgoDataFetcher(src='erddap',
                             chunks_maxsize={'wmo': 3}).float(WMO_list)

for uri in loader_par.uri:
    print("http: ... ", "&".join(uri.split("&")[1:-2])) # Display only the relevant URL part
http: ...  platform_number=~"6902766|6902772|6902914"
http: ...  platform_number=~"6902746|6902916|6902915"
http: ...  platform_number=~"6902757|6902771"

You see here, that this request for 8 floats is split in chunks with no more that 3 floats each.


At this point, there is no mechanism to chunk requests along cycle numbers for the profile access point.

Parallelization methods

They are 2 methods available to set-up your data fetching requests in parallel:

  1. Multi-threading for all data sources,

  2. Multi-processing for localftp.

Both options use a pool of threads or processes managed with the concurrent futures module.

The parallelization method is set with the parallel_method option of the fetcher, which can take as values thread or process.

Methods available for data sources:

Parallel method










Note that you can in fact pass the method directly with the parallel option, so that in practice, the following two formulations are equivalent:

ArgoDataFetcher(parallel=True, parallel_method='thread')

Comparison of performances

Note that to compare performances with or without the parallel option, we need to make sure that data are not cached on the server side. To do this, we use a very small random perturbation on the box definition, here on the maximum latitude. This ensures that nearly the same of data will be requested and not cached by server.

def this_box():
    return [-60, 0,
           20.0, 60.0 + np.random.randint(0,100,1)[0]/1000,
           0.0, 500.0,
           "2007", "2009"]
b1 = this_box()
f1 = ArgoDataFetcher(src='argovis', parallel=False).region(b1)
ds1 = f1.to_xarray()
CPU times: user 16.3 s, sys: 255 ms, total: 16.6 s
Wall time: 27.2 s
b2 = this_box()
f2 = ArgoDataFetcher(src='argovis', parallel=True).region(b2)
ds2 = f2.to_xarray()
CPU times: user 20.4 s, sys: 737 ms, total: 21.2 s
Wall time: 22.5 s

This simple comparison shows that parallel request is significantly faster than the standard one.


  • Parallelizing your fetcher is usefull to handle large region of data, but it can also add a significant overhead on reasonable size requests that may lead to degraded performances. So, we do not recommand for you to use the parallel option systematically.

  • You may have different dataset sizes with and without the parallel option. This may happen if one of the chunk data fetching fails. By default, data fetching of multiple ressources fails with a warning. You can change this behaviour with the option errors of the to_xarray() fetcher methods, just set it to raise like this:


You can also use silent to simply hide all messages during fetching.