Source code for argopy.data_fetchers.gdacftp_data

Argo data fetcher for remote GDAC FTP

This is not intended to be used directly, only by the facade at

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr
from abc import abstractmethod
import warnings
import getpass
import logging
import importlib

from .proto import ArgoDataFetcherProto
from ..utilities import list_standard_variables, format_oneline, argo_split_path
from ..options import OPTIONS, check_gdac_path
from ..errors import DataNotFound

log = logging.getLogger("")

has_pyarrow = importlib.util.find_spec("pyarrow") is not None
if has_pyarrow:
    from ..stores.argo_index_pa import indexstore_pyarrow as indexstore

    log.debug("Using pyarrow indexstore")
    from ..stores.argo_index_pd import indexstore_pandas as indexstore

    # log.warning("Consider installing pyarrow in order to improve performances when fetching GDAC data")
    log.debug("Using pandas indexstore")

access_points = ["wmo", "box"]
exit_formats = ["xarray"]
dataset_ids = ["phy", "bgc"]  # First is default
api_server = OPTIONS["ftp"]  # API root url
api_server_check = (
    api_server  # URL to check if the API is alive, used by isAPIconnected

[docs]class FTPArgoDataFetcher(ArgoDataFetcherProto): """Manage access to Argo data from a remote GDAC FTP. Warnings -------- This class is a prototype not meant to be instantiated directly """ ### # Methods to be customised for a specific request ### @abstractmethod def init(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Initialisation for a specific fetcher """ raise NotImplementedError("Not implemented") ### # Methods that must not change ###
[docs] def __init__( self, ftp: str = "", ds: str = "", cache: bool = False, cachedir: str = "", dimension: str = "point", errors: str = "raise", parallel: bool = False, parallel_method: str = "thread", progress: bool = False, api_timeout: int = 0, **kwargs ): """ Init fetcher Parameters ---------- ftp: str (optional) Path to the remote FTP directory where the 'dac' folder is located. ds: str (optional) Dataset to load: 'phy' or 'bgc' cache: bool (optional) Cache data or not (default: False) cachedir: str (optional) Path to cache folder dimension: str, default: 'point' Main dimension of the output dataset. This can be "profile" to retrieve a collection of profiles, or "point" (default) to have data as a collection of measurements. This can be used to optimise performances. errors: str (optional) If set to 'raise' (default), will raise a NetCDF4FileNotFoundError error if any of the requested files cannot be found. If set to 'ignore', the file not found is skipped when fetching data. parallel: bool (optional) Chunk request to use parallel fetching (default: False) parallel_method: str (optional) Define the parallelization method: ``thread``, ``process`` or a :class:`dask.distributed.client.Client`. progress: bool (optional) Show a progress bar or not when fetching data. api_timeout: int (optional) FTP request time out in seconds. Set to OPTIONS['api_timeout'] by default. """ self.timeout = OPTIONS["api_timeout"] if api_timeout == 0 else api_timeout self.dataset_id = OPTIONS["dataset"] if ds == "" else ds self.server = OPTIONS["ftp"] if ftp == "" else ftp self.errors = errors # Validate server, raise FtpPathError if not valid. check_gdac_path(self.server, errors="raise") if self.dataset_id == "phy": index_file = "ar_index_global_prof.txt" elif self.dataset_id == "bgc": index_file = "argo_synthetic-profile_index.txt" # Validation of self.server is done by the indexstore: self.indexfs = indexstore( host=self.server, index_file=index_file, cache=cache, cachedir=cachedir, timeout=self.timeout, ) self.fs = self.indexfs.fs["src"] nrows = None if "N_RECORDS" in kwargs: nrows = kwargs["N_RECORDS"] # Number of records in the index, this will force to load the index file: self.N_RECORDS = self.indexfs.load( nrows=nrows ).N_RECORDS self._post_filter_points = False # Set method to download data: if not isinstance(parallel, bool): method = parallel parallel = True elif not parallel: method = "sequential" else: method = parallel_method self.parallel = parallel self.method = method self.progress = progress self.init(**kwargs)
def __repr__(self): summary = ["<datafetcher.ftp>"] summary.append("Name: %s" % self.definition) summary.append("Index: %s" % self.indexfs.index_file) summary.append("FTP: %s" % self.server) if hasattr(self, "BOX"): summary.append("Domain: %s" % self.cname()) else: summary.append("Domain: %s" % format_oneline(self.cname())) if hasattr(self.indexfs, "index"): summary.append("Index loaded: True (%i records)" % self.N_RECORDS) else: summary.append("Index loaded: False") if hasattr(self.indexfs, "search"): match = "matches" if self.N_FILES > 1 else "match" summary.append( "Index searched: True (%i %s, %0.4f%%)" % (self.N_FILES, match, self.N_FILES * 100 / self.N_RECORDS) ) else: summary.append("Index searched: False") return "\n".join(summary) def cname(self): """ Return a unique string defining the constraints """ return self._cname() @property @abstractmethod def uri(self): """ Return the list of files to load Returns ------- list(str) """ raise NotImplementedError("Not implemented") def uri_mono2multi(self, URIs: list): """ Convert mono-profile URI files to multi-profile files Multi-profile file name is based on the dataset requested ('phy' or 'bgc') This method does not ensure that multi-profile files exist ! Parameters ---------- URIs: list(str) List of strings with URIs Returns ------- list(str) """ def mono2multi(mono_path): meta = argo_split_path(mono_path) if self.dataset_id == "phy": return self.indexfs.fs["src"].fs.sep.join( [ meta["origin"], "dac", meta["dac"], meta["wmo"], "" % meta["wmo"], ] ) elif self.dataset_id == "bgc": return self.indexfs.fs["src"].fs.sep.join( [ meta["origin"], "dac", meta["dac"], meta["wmo"], "" % meta["wmo"], ] ) new_uri = [mono2multi(uri) for uri in URIs] new_uri = list(set(new_uri)) return new_uri @property def cachepath(self): """ Return path to cache file(s) for this request Returns ------- list(str) """ return [self.fs.cachepath(url) for url in self.uri] def clear_cache(self): """ Remove cached files and entries from resources opened with this fetcher """ self.indexfs.clear_cache() self.fs.clear_cache() return self def _preprocess_multiprof(self, ds): """ Pre-process one Argo multi-profile file as a collection of points Parameters ---------- ds: :class:`xarray.Dataset` Dataset to process Returns ------- :class:`xarray.Dataset` """ # Replace JULD and JULD_QC by TIME and TIME_QC ds = ds.rename( {"JULD": "TIME", "JULD_QC": "TIME_QC", "JULD_LOCATION": "TIME_LOCATION"} ) ds["TIME"].attrs = { "long_name": "Datetime (UTC) of the station", "standard_name": "time", } # Cast data types: ds = ds.argo.cast_types() # Enforce real pressure resolution: 0.1 db for vname in ds.data_vars: if "PRES" in vname and "QC" not in vname: ds[vname].values = np.round(ds[vname].values, 1) # Remove variables without dimensions: # todo: We should be able to find a way to keep them somewhere in the data structure for v in ds.data_vars: if len(list(ds[v].dims)) == 0: ds = ds.drop_vars(v) ds = ( ds.argo.profile2point() ) # Default output is a collection of points along N_POINTS # Remove netcdf file attributes and replace them with argopy ones: ds.attrs = {} if self.dataset_id == "phy": ds.attrs["DATA_ID"] = "ARGO" if self.dataset_id == "bgc": ds.attrs["DATA_ID"] = "ARGO-BGC" ds.attrs["DOI"] = "" ds.attrs["Fetched_from"] = self.server ds.attrs["Fetched_by"] = getpass.getuser() ds.attrs["Fetched_date"] = pd.to_datetime("now", utc=True).strftime("%Y/%m/%d") ds.attrs["Fetched_constraints"] = self.cname() ds.attrs["Fetched_uri"] = ds.encoding["source"] ds = ds[np.sort(ds.data_vars)] if self._post_filter_points: ds = self.filter_points(ds) return ds def to_xarray(self, errors: str = "ignore"): """ Load Argo data and return a :class:`xarray.Dataset` Parameters ---------- errors: str, default='ignore' Define how to handle errors raised during data URIs fetching: - 'ignore' (default): Do not stop processing, simply issue a debug message in logging console - 'silent': Do not stop processing and do not issue log message - 'raise': Raise any error encountered Returns ------- :class:`xarray.Dataset` """ if ( len(self.uri) > 50 and isinstance(self.method, str) and self.method == "sequential" ): warnings.warn( "Found more than 50 files to load, this may take a while to process sequentially ! " "Consider using another data source (eg: 'erddap') or the 'parallel=True' option to improve processing time." ) elif len(self.uri) == 0: raise DataNotFound("No data found for: %s" % self.indexfs.cname) # Download data: ds = self.fs.open_mfdataset( self.uri, method=self.method, concat_dim="N_POINTS", concat=True, preprocess=self._preprocess_multiprof, progress=self.progress, errors=errors, decode_cf=1, use_cftime=0, mask_and_scale=1, ) # Data post-processing: ds["N_POINTS"] = np.arange( 0, len(ds["N_POINTS"]) ) # Re-index to avoid duplicate values ds = ds.set_coords("N_POINTS") ds = ds.sortby("TIME") # Remove netcdf file attributes and replace them with simplified argopy ones: ds.attrs = {} if self.dataset_id == "phy": ds.attrs["DATA_ID"] = "ARGO" if self.dataset_id == "bgc": ds.attrs["DATA_ID"] = "ARGO-BGC" ds.attrs["DOI"] = "" ds.attrs["Fetched_from"] = self.server ds.attrs["Fetched_by"] = getpass.getuser() ds.attrs["Fetched_date"] = pd.to_datetime("now", utc=True).strftime("%Y/%m/%d") ds.attrs["Fetched_constraints"] = self.cname() if len(self.uri) == 1: ds.attrs["Fetched_uri"] = self.uri[0] else: ds.attrs["Fetched_uri"] = ";".join(self.uri) return ds def filter_points(self, ds): """ Enforce request criteria This may be necessary if for download performance improvement we had to work with multi instead of mono profile files: we loaded and merged multi-profile files, and then we need to make sure to retain only profiles requested. """ if hasattr(self, "BOX"): # - box = [lon_min, lon_max, lat_min, lat_max, pres_min, pres_max] # - box = [lon_min, lon_max, lat_min, lat_max, pres_min, pres_max, datim_min, datim_max] ds = ( ds.where(ds["LONGITUDE"] >= self.BOX[0], drop=True) .where(ds["LONGITUDE"] < self.BOX[1], drop=True) .where(ds["LATITUDE"] >= self.BOX[2], drop=True) .where(ds["LATITUDE"] < self.BOX[3], drop=True) .where(ds["PRES"] >= self.BOX[4], drop=True) .where(ds["PRES"] < self.BOX[5], drop=True) ) if len(self.BOX) == 8: ds = ds.where( ds["TIME"] >= np.datetime64(self.BOX[6]), drop=True ).where(ds["TIME"] < np.datetime64(self.BOX[7]), drop=True) if hasattr(self, "CYC"): this_mask = xr.DataArray( np.zeros_like(ds["N_POINTS"]), dims=["N_POINTS"], coords={"N_POINTS": ds["N_POINTS"]}, ) for cyc in self.CYC: this_mask += ds["CYCLE_NUMBER"] == cyc this_mask = this_mask >= 1 # any ds = ds.where(this_mask, drop=True) ds["N_POINTS"] = np.arange(0, len(ds["N_POINTS"])) return ds def filter_data_mode(self, ds, **kwargs): ds = ds.argo.filter_data_mode(errors="ignore", **kwargs) if ds.argo._type == "point": ds["N_POINTS"] = np.arange(0, len(ds["N_POINTS"])) return ds def filter_qc(self, ds, **kwargs): ds = ds.argo.filter_qc(**kwargs) if ds.argo._type == "point": ds["N_POINTS"] = np.arange(0, len(ds["N_POINTS"])) return ds def filter_variables(self, ds, mode="standard"): if mode == "standard": to_remove = sorted( list(set(list(ds.data_vars)) - set(list_standard_variables())) ) return ds.drop_vars(to_remove) else: return ds
[docs]class Fetch_wmo(FTPArgoDataFetcher): """Manage access to GDAC ftp Argo data for: a list of WMOs. This class is instantiated when a call is made to these facade access points: >>> ArgoDataFetcher(src='gdac').float(**) >>> ArgoDataFetcher(src='gdac').profile(**) """ def init(self, WMO: list = [], CYC=None, **kwargs): """ Create Argo data loader for WMOs Parameters ---------- WMO: list(int) The list of WMOs to load all Argo data for. CYC: int, np.array(int), list(int) The cycle numbers to load. """ self.WMO = WMO self.CYC = CYC # self.N_FILES = len(self.uri) # Trigger search in the index, should we do this at instantiation or later ??? self.N_FILES = np.NaN self._nrows = None if "MAX_FILES" in kwargs: self._nrows = kwargs["MAX_FILES"] self.definition = "Ifremer GDAC ftp Argo data fetcher" if self.CYC is not None: self.definition = "%s for profiles" % self.definition else: self.definition = "%s for floats" % self.definition return self @property def uri(self): """ List of files to load for a request Returns ------- list(str) """ # Get list of files to load: if not hasattr(self, "_list_of_argo_files"): if self.CYC is None: URIs = self.indexfs.search_wmo(self.WMO, nrows=self._nrows).uri self._list_of_argo_files = self.uri_mono2multi(URIs) else: self._list_of_argo_files = self.indexfs.search_wmo_cyc( self.WMO, self.CYC, nrows=self._nrows ).uri self.N_FILES = len(self._list_of_argo_files) return self._list_of_argo_files
[docs]class Fetch_box(FTPArgoDataFetcher): """Manage access to GDAC ftp Argo data for: a rectangular space/time domain. This class is instantiated when a call is made to these facade access points: >>> ArgoDataFetcher(src='gdac').region(**) """ def init(self, box: list, nrows=None, **kwargs): """ Create Argo data loader Parameters ---------- box : list() The box domain to load all Argo data for, with one of the following convention: - box = [lon_min, lon_max, lat_min, lat_max, pres_min, pres_max] - box = [lon_min, lon_max, lat_min, lat_max, pres_min, pres_max, datim_min, datim_max] """ # We use a full domain definition (x, y, z, t) as argument for compatibility with the other fetchers # but at this point, we internally work only with x, y and t. self.BOX = box.copy() self.indexBOX = [self.BOX[ii] for ii in [0, 1, 2, 3]] if len(self.BOX) == 8: self.indexBOX = [self.BOX[ii] for ii in [0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 7]] # self.N_FILES = len(self.uri) # Trigger search in the index self.N_FILES = np.NaN self._nrows = None if "MAX_FILES" in kwargs: self._nrows = kwargs["MAX_FILES"] self.definition = "Ifremer GDAC ftp Argo data fetcher for a space/time region" return self @property def uri(self): """ List of files to load for a request Returns ------- list(str) """ # Get list of files to load: if not hasattr(self, "_list_of_argo_files"): if len(self.indexBOX) == 4: URIs = self.indexfs.search_lat_lon(self.indexBOX, nrows=self._nrows).uri else: URIs = self.indexfs.search_lat_lon_tim( self.indexBOX, nrows=self._nrows ).uri if len(URIs) > 25: self._list_of_argo_files = self.uri_mono2multi(URIs) self._post_filter_points = True else: self._list_of_argo_files = URIs self.N_FILES = len(self._list_of_argo_files) return self._list_of_argo_files