Source code for argopy.fetchers

#!/bin/env python
# -*coding: UTF-8 -*-

High level helper methods to load Argo data from any source
The facade should be able to work with all available data access point,

Validity of access points parameters (eg: wmo) is made here, not at the data/index source fetcher level


import warnings
import xarray as xr
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import logging

from argopy.options import OPTIONS, _VALIDATORS
from .errors import InvalidFetcherAccessPoint, InvalidFetcher

from .utilities import (
    list_available_data_src, list_available_index_src,
    is_box, is_indexbox,
    check_wmo, check_cyc,
from .plot import plot_trajectory, bar_plot, open_sat_altim_report

AVAILABLE_DATA_SOURCES = list_available_data_src()
AVAILABLE_INDEX_SOURCES = list_available_index_src()

log = logging.getLogger("argopy.fetchers.facade")

def checkAccessPoint(AccessPoint):
    """Decorator to validate fetcher access points of a given data source.

    This decorator will check if an access point (eg: 'profile') is available for the
    data source (eg: 'erddap') used to initiate the checker. If not, an error is raised.

    #todo Make sure this decorator preserves the doc string !
    def wrapper(*args):
        if AccessPoint.__name__ not in args[0].valid_access_points:
            raise InvalidFetcherAccessPoint(
                            "'%s' not available with '%s' src. Available access point(s): %s" %
                            (AccessPoint.__name__, args[0]._src, ", ".join(args[0].Fetchers.keys()))
        return AccessPoint(*args)
    wrapper.__name__ = AccessPoint.__name__
    wrapper.__doc__ = AccessPoint.__doc__
    return wrapper

[docs]class ArgoDataFetcher: """ Fetcher and post-processor of Argo data (API facade) Parameters ---------- mode: str, optional User mode. Eg: ``standard`` or ``expert``. Set to OPTIONS['mode'] by default if empty. src: str, optional Source of the data to use. Eg: ``erddap``. Set to OPTIONS['src'] by default if empty. ds: str, optional Name of the dataset to load. Eg: ``phy``. Set to OPTIONS['dataset'] by default if empty. **fetcher_kwargs: optional Additional arguments passed on data source fetcher creation of each access points. Examples -------- >>> from argopy import DataFetcher >>> adf = DataFetcher().region([-75, -65, 10, 20]).load() >>> idx.plot() >>> """
[docs] def __init__(self, mode: str = "", src: str = "", ds: str = "", **fetcher_kwargs): """ Create a fetcher instance Returns ------- :class:`argopy.fetchers.ArgoDataFetcher` """ # Facade options: self._mode = OPTIONS["mode"] if mode == "" else mode self._dataset_id = OPTIONS["dataset"] if ds == "" else ds self._src = OPTIONS["src"] if src == "" else src _VALIDATORS["mode"](self._mode) _VALIDATORS["src"](self._src) _VALIDATORS["dataset"](self._dataset_id) # Load data source access points: if self._src == 'localftp': raise ValueError("The 'localftp' data source is deprecated. It's been replaced by 'gdac'.") if self._src not in AVAILABLE_DATA_SOURCES: raise InvalidFetcher( "Requested data fetcher '%s' not available ! Please try again with any of: %s" % (self._src, "\n".join(AVAILABLE_DATA_SOURCES)) ) else: Fetchers = AVAILABLE_DATA_SOURCES[self._src] # Auto-discovery of access points for this fetcher: # rq: Access point names for the facade are not the same as the access point of fetchers self.Fetchers = {} self.valid_access_points = [] for p in Fetchers.access_points: if p == "box": # Required for 'region' self.Fetchers["region"] = Fetchers.Fetch_box self.valid_access_points.append("region") if p == "wmo": # Required for 'profile' and 'float' self.Fetchers["float"] = Fetchers.Fetch_wmo self.valid_access_points.append("float") self.Fetchers["profile"] = Fetchers.Fetch_wmo self.valid_access_points.append("profile") # Init sub-methods: self.fetcher = None if self._dataset_id not in Fetchers.dataset_ids: raise ValueError( "%s dataset is not available for this data source (%s)" % (self._dataset_id, self._src) ) self.fetcher_kwargs = {**fetcher_kwargs} self.fetcher_options = {**{"ds": self._dataset_id}, **fetcher_kwargs} self.postproccessor = self.__empty_processor self._AccessPoint = None # Init data structure holders: self._index = None self._data = None # Init file system for local storage # self.cache = True if 'cache' not in fetcher_kwargs else fetcher_kwargs['cache'] # self.cachedir = OPTIONS['cachedir'] if 'cachedir' not in fetcher_kwargs else fetcher_kwargs['cachedir'] # self.fs = filestore(cache=self.cache, cachedir=self.cachedir) # More init: self._loaded = False self._request = "" # Dev warnings # Todo Clean-up before each release if self._dataset_id == "bgc" and self._mode == "standard": warnings.warn( "'BGC' dataset fetching in 'standard' user mode is not yet reliable. " "Try to switch to 'expert' mode if you encounter errors." )
def __repr__(self): para = self.fetcher_options['parallel'] if "parallel" in self.fetcher_options else False cache = self.fetcher_options['cache'] if "cache" in self.fetcher_options else False if self.fetcher: summary = [self.fetcher.__repr__()] else: summary = ["<datafetcher.%s> 'No access point initialised'" % self._src] summary.append("Available access points: %s" % ", ".join(self.Fetchers.keys())) summary.append("Performances: cache=%s, parallel=%s" % (str(cache), str(para))) summary.append("User mode: %s" % self._mode) summary.append("Dataset: %s" % self._dataset_id) return "\n".join(summary) def __empty_processor(self, xds): """ Do nothing to a dataset """ return xds def __getattr__(self, key): """ Validate access points """ valid_attrs = [ "Fetchers", "fetcher", "fetcher_options", "postproccessor", "data", "index", "domain", "_loaded", "_request", "cache", "cachedir" ] if key not in self.valid_access_points and key not in valid_attrs: raise InvalidFetcherAccessPoint("'%s' is not a valid access point" % key) pass # def _write(self, path, obj, format='zarr'): # """ Write internal array object to file store # # Parameters # ---------- # obj: :class:`xarray.DataSet` or :class:`pandas.DataFrame` # """ # with, "wb") as handle: # if format in ['zarr']: # obj.to_zarr(handle) # elif format in ['pk']: # obj.to_pickle(handle) # obj is a :class:`pandas.DataFrame` # return self # # def _read(self, path, format='zarr'): # """ Read internal array object from file store # # Returns # ------- # obj: :class:`xarray.DataSet` or :class:`pandas.DataFrame` # """ # with, "rb") as handle: # if format in ['zarr']: # obj = xr.open_zarr(handle) # elif format in ['pk']: # obj = pd.read_pickle(handle) # return obj @property def uri(self): """ List of resources to load for a request This can be a list of paths or urls, depending on the data source selected. Returns ------- list(str) List of resources used to fetch data """ if self.fetcher: return self.fetcher.uri else: raise InvalidFetcherAccessPoint( " Initialize an access point (%s) first." % ",".join(self.Fetchers.keys()) ) @property def data(self): """ Data structure Returns -------- :class:`xarray.DataArray` Fetched data """ if not isinstance(self._data, xr.Dataset): self.load() return self._data @property def index(self): """ Index structure, as returned by the to_index method Returns -------- :class:`pandas.DataFrame` Argo-like index of fetched data """ if not isinstance(self._index, pd.core.frame.DataFrame): if "gdac" in self._src: self.to_index(full=True) else: self.load() return self._index @property def domain(self): """ Domain of the dataset This is different from a usual ``box`` because dates are in :class:`numpy.datetime64` format. """ this_ds = if 'PRES_ADJUSTED' in this_ds.data_vars: Pmin = np.nanmin((np.min(this_ds['PRES'].values), np.min(this_ds['PRES_ADJUSTED'].values))) Pmax = np.nanmax((np.max(this_ds['PRES'].values), np.max(this_ds['PRES_ADJUSTED'].values))) else: Pmin = np.min(this_ds['PRES'].values) Pmax = np.max(this_ds['PRES'].values) return [np.min(this_ds['LONGITUDE'].values), np.max(this_ds['LONGITUDE'].values), np.min(this_ds['LATITUDE'].values), np.max(this_ds['LATITUDE'].values), Pmin, Pmax, np.min(this_ds['TIME'].values), np.max(this_ds['TIME'].values)]
[docs] def dashboard(self, **kw): """Open access point dashboard. See Also -------- :class:`argopy.dashboard` """ try: return self.fetcher.dashboard(**kw) except Exception: warnings.warn( "dashboard not available for this fetcher access point (%s/%s)" % (self._src, self._AccessPoint) )
[docs] @checkAccessPoint def float(self, wmo, **kw): """ Float data fetcher Parameters ---------- wmo: int, list(int) Define the list of Argo floats to load data for. This is a list of integers with WMO float identifiers. WMO is the World Meteorological Organization. Returns ------- :class:`argopy.fetchers.ArgoDataFetcher.float` A data source fetcher for all float profiles """ wmo = check_wmo(wmo) # Check and return a valid list of WMOs if "CYC" in kw or "cyc" in kw: raise TypeError( "float() got an unexpected keyword argument 'cyc'. Use 'profile' access " "point to fetch specific profile data." ) self.fetcher = self.Fetchers["float"](WMO=wmo, **self.fetcher_options) self._AccessPoint = "float" # Register the requested access point self._AccessPoint_data = {'wmo': wmo} # Register the requested access point data if self._mode == "standard" and self._dataset_id != "ref": def postprocessing(xds): xds = self.fetcher.filter_data_mode(xds) xds = self.fetcher.filter_qc(xds) xds = self.fetcher.filter_variables(xds, self._mode) return xds self.postproccessor = postprocessing return self
[docs] @checkAccessPoint def profile(self, wmo, cyc): """ Profile data fetcher Parameters ---------- wmo: int, list(int) Define the list of Argo floats to load data for. This is a list of integers with WMO float identifiers. WMO is the World Meteorological Organization. cyc: list(int) Define the list of cycle numbers to load for each Argo floats listed in ``wmo``. Returns ------- :class:`argopy.fetchers.ArgoDataFetcher.profile` A data source fetcher for specific float profiles """ wmo = check_wmo(wmo) # Check and return a valid list of WMOs cyc = check_cyc(cyc) # Check and return a valid list of CYCs self.fetcher = self.Fetchers["profile"](WMO=wmo, CYC=cyc, **self.fetcher_options) self._AccessPoint = "profile" # Register the requested access point self._AccessPoint_data = {'wmo': wmo, 'cyc': cyc} # Register the requested access point data if self._mode == "standard" and self._dataset_id != "ref": def postprocessing(xds): xds = self.fetcher.filter_data_mode(xds) xds = self.fetcher.filter_qc(xds) xds = self.fetcher.filter_variables(xds, self._mode) return xds self.postproccessor = postprocessing return self
[docs] @checkAccessPoint def region(self, box: list): """ Space/time domain data fetcher Parameters ---------- box: list() Define the domain to load Argo data for. The box list is made of: - lon_min: float, lon_max: float, - lat_min: float, lat_max: float, - dpt_min: float, dpt_max: float, - date_min: str (optional), date_max: str (optional) Longitude, latitude and pressure bounds are required, while the two bounding dates are optional. If bounding dates are not specified, the entire time series is fetched. Eg: [-60, -55, 40., 45., 0., 10., '2007-08-01', '2007-09-01'] Returns ------- :class:`argopy.fetchers.ArgoDataFetcher` A data source fetcher for a space/time domain """ is_box(box, errors="raise") # Validate the box definition self.fetcher = self.Fetchers["region"](box=box, **self.fetcher_options) self._AccessPoint = "region" # Register the requested access point self._AccessPoint_data = {'box': box} # Register the requested access point data if self._mode == "standard" and self._dataset_id != "ref": def postprocessing(xds): xds = self.fetcher.filter_data_mode(xds) xds = self.fetcher.filter_qc(xds) xds = self.fetcher.filter_variables(xds, self._mode) return xds self.postproccessor = postprocessing return self
[docs] def to_xarray(self, **kwargs): """ Fetch and return data as xarray.DataSet Trigger a fetch of data by the specified source and access point. Returns ------- :class:`xarray.DataSet` Fetched data """ if not self.fetcher: raise InvalidFetcher( " Initialize an access point (%s) first." % ",".join(self.Fetchers.keys()) ) xds = self.fetcher.to_xarray(**kwargs) xds = self.postproccessor(xds) # data_path = self.fetcher.cname() + self._mode + ".zarr" # log.debug(data_path) # if self.cache and self.fs.exists(data_path): # xds = self._read(data_path) # else: # xds = self.fetcher.to_xarray(**kwargs) # xds = self.postproccessor(xds) # xds = self._write(data_path, xds)._read(data_path) return xds
[docs] def to_dataframe(self, **kwargs): """ Fetch and return data as pandas.Dataframe Trigger a fetch of data by the specified source and access point. Returns ------- :class:`pandas.DataFrame` Fetched data """ if not self.fetcher: raise InvalidFetcher( " Initialize an access point (%s) first." % ",".join(self.Fetchers.keys()) ) return self.load().data.to_dataframe(**kwargs)
[docs] def to_index(self, full: bool = False, coriolis_id: bool = False): """ Create an index of Argo data, fetch data if necessary Build an Argo-like index of profiles from fetched data. Parameters ---------- full: bool, default: False Should extract a reduced index (only a space/time) from fetched profiles, or a full index, as returned by an IndexFetcher. coriolis_id: bool, default: False Add a column to the index with the Coriolis ID of profiles Returns ------- :class:`pandas.DataFrame` Argo-like index of fetched data """ if not full: self.load() ds = df = ds[["PLATFORM_NUMBER", "CYCLE_NUMBER", "LONGITUDE", "LATITUDE", "TIME"]].to_dataframe() df = ( df.reset_index() .rename( columns={ "PLATFORM_NUMBER": "wmo", "CYCLE_NUMBER": "cyc", "LONGITUDE": "longitude", "LATITUDE": "latitude", "TIME": "date", } ) .drop(columns="N_PROF") ) df = df[["date", "latitude", "longitude", "wmo", "cyc"]] if coriolis_id: df['id'] = None def fc(row): row['id'] = get_coriolis_profile_id(row['wmo'], row['cyc'])['ID'].values[0] return row df = df.apply(fc, axis=1) else: # Instantiate and load an IndexFetcher: index_loader = ArgoIndexFetcher(mode=self._mode, src=self._src, ds=self._dataset_id, **self.fetcher_kwargs) if self._AccessPoint == 'float': index_loader.float(self._AccessPoint_data['wmo']).load() if self._AccessPoint == 'profile': index_loader.profile(self._AccessPoint_data['wmo'], self._AccessPoint_data['cyc']).load() if self._AccessPoint == 'region': # Convert data box to index box (remove depth info): index_box = self._AccessPoint_data['box'].copy() del index_box[4:6] index_loader.region(index_box).load() df = index_loader.index # if self._loaded and self._mode == 'standard' and len(self._index) != len(df): # warnings.warn("Loading a full index in 'standard' user mode may lead to more profiles in the " # "index than reported in data.") # Possibly replace the light index with the full version: if not self._loaded or self._request == self.__repr__(): self._index = df return df
[docs] def load(self, force: bool = False, **kwargs): """ Fetch data (and compute an index) if not already in memory Apply the default to_xarray() and to_index() methods and store results in memory. You can access loaded measurements structure with the `data` and `index` properties. Parameters ---------- force: bool Force fetching data if not already in memory, default is False. Returns ------- :class:`argopy.fetchers.ArgoDataFetcher.float` Data fetcher with `data` and `index` properties in memory Examples -------- >>> ds = ArgoDataFetcher().profile(6902746, 34).load().data >>> df = ArgoDataFetcher().float(6902746).load().index """ # Force to load data if the fetcher definition has changed if self._loaded and self._request != self.__repr__(): force = True if not self._loaded or force: # Fetch measurements: self._data = self.to_xarray(**kwargs) # Next 2 lines must come before ._index because to_index(full=False) calls back on .load() to read .data self._request = self.__repr__() # Save definition of loaded data self._loaded = True # Extract measurements index from data: self._index = self.to_index(full=False) return self
[docs] def clear_cache(self): """ Clear data cached by fetcher """ if not self.fetcher: raise InvalidFetcher( " Initialize an access point (%s) first." % ",".join(self.Fetchers.keys()) ) return self.fetcher.clear_cache()
[docs] def plot(self, ptype: str = "trajectory", **kwargs): """ Create custom plots from this fetcher data or index. This is basically shortcuts to some plotting submodules: - **trajectory** calls :class:`argopy.plot.plot_trajectory` with index DataFrame - **profiler** or **dac** calls :class:`argopy.plot.bar_plot` with index DataFrame - **qc_altimetry** calls :class:`argopy.plot.open_sat_altim_report` with data unique list of ``PLATFORM_NUMBER`` Parameters ---------- ptype: str, default: 'trajectory' Plot type, one of the following: ``trajectory``, ``profiler``, ``dac`` or ``qc_altimetry``. kwargs: Other arguments passed to the plotting submodule. Returns ------- fig: :class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure` ax: :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` Warnings -------- Calling this method will automatically trigger a call to the :class:`argopy.DataFetcher.load` method. """ self.load() if ptype in ["dac", "institution"]: if "institution" not in self.index: self.to_index(full=True) return bar_plot(self.index, by="institution", **kwargs) elif ptype == "profiler": if "profiler" not in self.index: self.to_index(full=True) return bar_plot(self.index, by="profiler", **kwargs) elif ptype == "trajectory": defaults = {"style": 'white'} return plot_trajectory(self.index, **{**defaults, **kwargs}) elif ptype == "qc_altimetry": WMOs = np.unique(['PLATFORM_NUMBER']) return open_sat_altim_report(WMOs, **kwargs) else: raise ValueError( "Type of plot unavailable. Use: 'trajectory', 'dac', 'profiler', 'qc_altimetry'" )
[docs]class ArgoIndexFetcher: """Fetcher and post-processor of Argo index data (API facade) An index dataset gather space/time information, and possibly more meta-data, of Argo profiles. Examples -------- >>> from argopy import IndexFetcher >>> adf = IndexFetcher.region([-75, -65, 10, 20]).load() >>> idx.index >>> idx.plot() """
[docs] def __init__(self, mode: str = OPTIONS["mode"], src: str = OPTIONS["src"], ds: str = OPTIONS["dataset"], **fetcher_kwargs): """Facade for Argo index fetchers Parameters ---------- mode: str, optional User mode. Eg: ``standard`` or ``expert``. src: str, optional Source of the data to use. Eg: ``erddap``. ds: str, optional Name of the dataset to load. Eg: ``phy``. **fetcher_kwargs: optional Additional arguments passed on data source fetcher of each access points. """ self._mode = mode self._dataset_id = ds self._src = src _VALIDATORS["mode"](self._mode) _VALIDATORS["src"](self._src) # Load data source access points: if self._src == 'localftp': raise ValueError("The 'localftp' data source is deprecated. It's been replaced by 'gdac'.") if self._src not in AVAILABLE_INDEX_SOURCES: raise InvalidFetcher( "Requested index fetcher '%s' not available ! " "Please try again with any of: %s" % (self._src, "\n".join(AVAILABLE_INDEX_SOURCES)) ) else: Fetchers = AVAILABLE_INDEX_SOURCES[self._src] # Auto-discovery of access points for this fetcher: # rq: Access point names for the facade are not the same as the access point of fetchers self.Fetchers = {} self.valid_access_points = [] for p in Fetchers.access_points: if p == "box": # Required for 'region' self.Fetchers["region"] = Fetchers.Fetch_box self.valid_access_points.append("region") if p == "wmo": # Required for 'profile' and 'float' self.Fetchers["float"] = Fetchers.Fetch_wmo self.valid_access_points.append("float") self.Fetchers["profile"] = Fetchers.Fetch_wmo self.valid_access_points.append("profile") # Init sub-methods: self.fetcher = None if self._dataset_id not in Fetchers.dataset_ids: raise ValueError( "%s dataset is not available for this index source (%s)" % (self._dataset_id, self._src) ) # self.fetcher_kwargs = {**fetcher_kwargs} self.fetcher_options = {**{"ds": self._dataset_id}, **fetcher_kwargs} self.postproccessor = self.__empty_processor self._AccessPoint = None # Init data structure holders: self._index = None # More init: self._loaded = False self._request = ""
def __repr__(self): if self.fetcher: summary = [self.fetcher.__repr__(), "Backend: %s" % self._src] else: summary = ["<indexfetcher.%s> 'No access point initialised'" % self._src, "Available access points: %s" % ", ".join(self.Fetchers.keys()), "Backend: %s" % self._src] summary.append("User mode: %s" % self._mode) summary.append("Dataset: %s" % self._dataset_id) return "\n".join(summary) def __empty_processor(self, xds): """ Do nothing to a dataset """ return xds def __getattr__(self, key): """ Validate access points """ valid_attrs = [ "Fetchers", "fetcher", "fetcher_options", "postproccessor", "index", "_loaded", ] if key not in self.valid_access_points and key not in valid_attrs: raise InvalidFetcherAccessPoint("'%s' is not a valid access point" % key) pass @property def index(self): """ Index structure Returns -------- :class:`pandas.DataFrame` Argo-like index of fetched data """ if not isinstance(self._index, pd.core.frame.DataFrame): self.load() return self._index
[docs] @checkAccessPoint def float(self, wmo): """ Float index fetcher Parameters ---------- wmo: list(int) Define the list of Argo floats to load data for. This is a list of integers with WMO numbers. Returns ------- :class:`argopy.fetchers.ArgoIndexFetcher` An index fetcher initialised for specific floats """ wmo = check_wmo(wmo) # Check and return a valid list of WMOs self.fetcher = self.Fetchers["float"](WMO=wmo, **self.fetcher_options) self._AccessPoint = "float" # Register the requested access point return self
[docs] @checkAccessPoint def profile(self, wmo, cyc): """ Profile index fetcher Parameters ---------- wmo: int, list(int) Define the list of Argo floats to load index for. This is a list of integers with WMO float identifiers. WMO is the World Meteorological Organization. cyc: list(int) Define the list of cycle numbers to load for each Argo floats listed in ``wmo``. Returns ------- :class:`argopy.fetchers.ArgoIndexFetcher` An index fetcher initialised for specific float profiles """ wmo = check_wmo(wmo) # Check and return a valid list of WMOs cyc = check_cyc(cyc) # Check and return a valid list of CYCs self.fetcher = self.Fetchers["profile"](WMO=wmo, CYC=cyc, **self.fetcher_options) self._AccessPoint = "profile" # Register the requested access point return self
[docs] @checkAccessPoint def region(self, box): """ Space/time domain index fetcher Parameters ---------- box: list() Define the domain to load Argo index for. The box list is made of: - lon_min: float, lon_max: float, - lat_min: float, lat_max: float, - date_min: str (optional), date_max: str (optional) Longitude and latitude bounds are required, while the two bounding dates are optional. If bounding dates are not specified, the entire time series is fetched. Eg: [-60, -55, 40., 45., '2007-08-01', '2007-09-01'] Returns ------- :class:`argopy.fetchers.ArgoIndexFetcher` An index fetcher initialised for a space/time domain Warnings -------- Note that the box option for an index fetcher does not have pressure bounds, contrary to the data fetcher. """ is_indexbox(box, errors="raise") # Validate the box definition self.fetcher = self.Fetchers["region"](box=box, **self.fetcher_options) self._AccessPoint = "region" # Register the requested access point return self
[docs] def to_dataframe(self, **kwargs): """ Fetch and return index data as pandas Dataframe Returns ------- :class:`pandas.DataFrame` """ if not self.fetcher: raise InvalidFetcher( " Initialize an access point (%s) first." % ",".join(self.Fetchers.keys()) ) return self.fetcher.to_dataframe(**kwargs)
[docs] def to_xarray(self, **kwargs): """ Fetch and return index data as xarray DataSet This is a shortcut to .load().index.to_xarray() Returns ------- :class:`xarray.DataSet` """ if self._AccessPoint not in self.valid_access_points: raise InvalidFetcherAccessPoint( " Initialize an access point (%s) first." % ",".join(self.Fetchers.keys()) ) return self.load().index.to_xarray(**kwargs)
[docs] def to_csv(self, file: str = "output_file.csv"): """ Fetch and save index data as csv in a file Notes ----- >>> idx.to_csv() is a shortcut to: >>> idx.load().index.to_csv() Since the ``index`` property is a :class:`pandas.DataFrame`, this is currently a short cut to :meth:`pandas.DataFrame.to_index` Returns ------- None """ if self._AccessPoint not in self.valid_access_points: raise InvalidFetcherAccessPoint( " Initialize an access point (%s) first." % ",".join(self.Fetchers.keys()) ) return self.load().index.to_csv(file)
[docs] def load(self, force: bool = False): """ Load index in memory Apply the default to_dataframe() method and store results in memory. You can access the index array with the `index` property:: >>> df = ArgoIndexFetcher().float(6902746).load().index Parameters ---------- force: bool Force loading, default is False. Returns ------- :class:`argopy.fetchers.ArgoIndexFetcher.float` Index fetcher with `index` property in memory """ # Force to load data if the fetcher definition has changed if self._loaded and self._request != self.__repr__(): force = True if not self._loaded or force: self._index = self.to_dataframe() self._request = self.__repr__() # Save definition of loaded data self._loaded = True return self
[docs] def plot(self, ptype: str = "trajectory", **kwargs): """ Create custom plots from this fetcher index. This is basically shortcuts to some plotting submodules: - **trajectory** calls :class:`argopy.plot.plot_trajectory` with index DataFrame - **profiler** or **dac** calls :class:`argopy.plot.bar_plot` with index DataFrame - **qc_altimetry** calls :class:`argopy.plot.open_sat_altim_report` with index unique list of ``wmo`` Parameters ---------- ptype: str, default: 'trajectory' Plot type, one of the following: ``trajectory``, ``profiler``, ``dac`` or ``qc_altimetry``. kwargs: Other arguments passed to the plotting submodule. Returns ------- fig: :class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure` ax: :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` Warnings -------- Calling this method will automatically trigger a call to the :class:`argopy.IndexFetcher.load` method. """ self.load() if ptype in ["dac", "institution"]: return bar_plot(self.index, by="institution", **kwargs) elif ptype == "profiler": return bar_plot(self.index, by="profiler", **kwargs) elif ptype == "trajectory": defaults = {"style": 'white'} return plot_trajectory(self.index.sort_values(["file"]), **{**defaults, **kwargs}) elif ptype == "qc_altimetry": WMOs = np.unique(self.index['wmo']) return open_sat_altim_report(WMOs, **kwargs) else: raise ValueError( "Type of plot unavailable. Use: 'trajectory', 'dac', 'profiler', 'qc_altimetry'" )
[docs] def clear_cache(self): """ Clear fetcher cached data """ return self.fetcher.clear_cache()