Source code for argopy.options

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-


This module manage options of the package

# Like always, largely inspired by xarray code:
import os

# Define option names as seen by users:
LOCAL_FTP = 'local_ftp'
DATASET = 'dataset'
DATA_CACHE = 'cachedir'
USER_LEVEL = 'mode'

# Define the list of available options and default values:
           LOCAL_FTP: '.',
           DATASET: 'phy',
           DATA_CACHE: os.path.expanduser(os.path.sep.join(["~", ".cache", "argopy"])),
           USER_LEVEL: 'standard'}

# Define the list of possible values
_DATA_SOURCE_LIST = frozenset(["erddap", "localftp", "argovis"])
_DATASET_LIST = frozenset(["phy", "bgc", "ref"])
_USER_LEVEL_LIST = frozenset(["standard", "expert"])

# Define how to validate options:
def _positive_integer(value):
    return isinstance(value, int) and value > 0

    DATA_SOURCE: _DATA_SOURCE_LIST.__contains__,
    LOCAL_FTP: os.path.exists,
    DATASET: _DATASET_LIST.__contains__,
    USER_LEVEL: _USER_LEVEL_LIST.__contains__

# Implement the option setter:
[docs]class set_options: """Set options for argopy. List of options: - `dataset`: Dataset. This can be `phy`, `bgc` or `ref`. Default: `phy` - `src`: Source of fetched data. Default: `erddap` - `local_ftp`: Absolute path to local GDAC ftp copy. Default: `.` - `cachedir`: Absolute path to local cache directory. Default: `~/.cache/argopy` - `mode`: User mode. This can be `standard` or `expert`. Default: `standard` You can use `set_options` either as a context manager: ``` >>> import argopy >>> with argopy.set_options(src='localftp'): ... ds = argopy.DataFetcher().float(3901530).to_xarray() ``` Or to set global options: ``` >>> argopy.set_options(src='localftp') ``` """
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.old = {} for k, v in kwargs.items(): if k not in OPTIONS: raise ValueError("argument name %r is not in the set of valid options %r" % (k, set(OPTIONS))) if k in _VALIDATORS and not _VALIDATORS[k](v): raise ValueError(f"option {k!r} given an invalid value: {v!r}") self.old[k] = OPTIONS[k] self._apply_update(kwargs)
def _apply_update(self, options_dict): # for k, v in options_dict.items(): # if k in _SETTERS: # _SETTERS[k](v) OPTIONS.update(options_dict) def __enter__(self): return def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): self._apply_update(self.old)