
scatter_map(data: Dataset | DataFrame, x: str | None = None, y: str | None = None, hue: str | None = None, markersize: int = 36, markeredgesize: float = 0.5, markeredgecolor: str = 'default', cmap: str | None = None, traj: bool = True, traj_axis: str | None = None, traj_color: str = 'default', legend: bool = True, legend_title: str = 'default', legend_location: str | int = 0, cbar: bool = False, cbarlabels: str | list = 'auto', set_global: bool = False, **kwargs)[source]#

Try-to-be generic function to create a scatter plot on a map from argopy xarray.Dataset or pandas.DataFrame data

Each point is an Argo profile location, colored with a user defined variable and colormap. Floats trajectory can be plotted or not.

Note that all parameters have default values.


This function requires Cartopy.


from argopy.plot import scatter_map
from argopy import DataFetcher

ArgoSet = DataFetcher(mode='expert').float([6902771, 4903348]).load()
ds =
df = ArgoSet.index

scatter_map(ds, hue='DATA_MODE')
scatter_map(ds, hue='PSAL_QC')
from argopy import OceanOPSDeployments
df = OceanOPSDeployments([-90, 0, 0, 90]).to_dataframe()
scatter_map(df, hue='status_code', traj=False)
scatter_map(df, x='lon', y='lat', hue='status_code', traj=False, cmap='deployment_status')
  • data (xarray.Dataset or pandas.DataFrame) – Input data structure

  • x (str, default=None) – Name of the data variable to use as longitude. If x is set to None, we’ll try to guess which variable to use among standard names.

  • y (str, default=None) – Name of the data variable to use as latitude. If y is set to None, we’ll try to guess which variable to use among standard names.

  • hue (str, default=None) – Name of the data variable to use for points coloring. If hue is set to None, we’ll try to guess which variable to use to color points according to WMO.

  • markersize (int, default=36) – Size of the marker used for profiles location.

  • markeredgesize (float, default=0.5) – Size of the marker edge used for profiles location.

  • markeredgecolor (str, default='default') – Color to use for the markers edge. The default color is ‘DARKBLUE’ from argopy.plot.ArgoColors.COLORS

  • cmap (str, default=None) – Colormap to use for points coloring. If set to None, we’ll try to guess the most appropriate colormap for the hue argument by matching it to values in argopy.plot.ArgoColors.list_valid_known_colormaps.

  • traj (bool, default=True) – Set to True in order to plot each float trajectories, i.e. join with a line all profiles from a single platform.

  • traj_axis (str, default='wmo') – Name of the data variable to use in order to determine profiles group making a single trajectory.

  • traj_color (str, default='default') – The unique color to use for all trajectories. The default color is the markeredgecolor value.

  • legend (bool, default=True) – Display or not a legend for hue colors meaning. If the legend is too large, it can be removed with ax.get_legend().remove()

  • legend_title (str, default='default') – String title of the legend box. By default, it is set to the hue value.

  • legend_location (str, default='upper right') – Location of the legend box. This is passed to the loc argument of Legend.

  • set_global (bool, default=False) – Force the map to be global.

  • kwargs – All other arguments are passed to matplotlib.figure.Figure.subplots
