

Class registered under scope argo to access a xarray.Dataset object.


  • Ensure all variables are of the Argo required dtype with:

>>> ds.argo.cast_types()
- Convert a collection of points into a collection of profiles:
>>> ds.argo.point2profile()
- Convert a collection of profiles to a collection of points:
>>> ds.argo.profile2point()
- Filter measurements according to data mode:
>>> ds.argo.filter_data_mode()
- Filter measurements according to QC flag values:
>>> ds.argo.filter_qc(QC_list=[1, 2], QC_fields='all')
- Filter variables according OWC salinity calibration requirements:
>>> ds.argo.filter_scalib_pres(force='default')
- Interpolate measurements on pressure levels:
>>> ds.argo.inter_std_levels(std_lev=[10., 500., 1000.])
- Group and reduce measurements by pressure bins:
>>> ds.argo.groupby_pressure_bins(bins=[0, 200., 500., 1000.])
- Compute and add additional variables to the dataset:
>>> ds.argo.teos10(vlist='PV')
- Preprocess data for OWC salinity calibration:
>>> ds.argo.create_float_source("output_folder")