Source code for argopy.data_fetchers.erddap_refdata

Fetcher to retrieve CTD reference data from Ifremer erddap
import xarray as xr
import logging
from ..options import OPTIONS
from ..utils.chunking import Chunker
from ..utils.geo import conv_lon
from ..stores import httpstore_erddap_auth
from .erddap_data import ErddapArgoDataFetcher

# Load erddapy according to available version (breaking changes in v0.8.0)
    from erddapy import ERDDAP
    from erddapy.utilities import parse_dates, quote_string_constraints
except:  # noqa: E722
    # >= v0.8.0
    from erddapy.erddapy import ERDDAP  # noqa: F401
    from erddapy.erddapy import _quote_string_constraints as quote_string_constraints  # noqa: F401
    from erddapy.erddapy import parse_dates  # noqa: F401

    # Soon !

log = logging.getLogger("argopy.erddap.refdata")

access_points = ["box"]
exit_formats = ["xarray"]
dataset_ids = ["ref-ctd"]  # First is default
api_server = OPTIONS["erddap"]  # API root url
api_server_check = (
    OPTIONS["erddap"] + "/info/ArgoFloats/index.json"
)  # URL to check if the API is alive

[docs]class ErddapREFDataFetcher(ErddapArgoDataFetcher): """Manage access to Argo CTD-reference data through Ifremer ERDDAP""" # @doc_inherit
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Instantiate an authenticated ERDDAP Argo data fetcher Parameters ---------- cache: bool (optional) Cache data or not (default: False) cachedir: str (optional) Path to cache folder api_timeout: int (optional) Erddap request time out in seconds. Set to OPTIONS['api_timeout'] by default. """ kwargs["ds"] = "ref-ctd" super().__init__(**kwargs) kw = kwargs [ kw.pop(p) for p in [ "ds", "cache", "cachedir", "parallel", "parallel_method", "progress", "chunks", "chunks_maxsize", "api_timeout", "box", ] if p in kw ] login_page = "%s/login.html" % self.server.rstrip("/") self.fs = httpstore_erddap_auth( login=login_page, auto=False, **{**kw, **self.store_opts} )
def __repr__(self): summary = [super().__repr__()] summary.append( "Performances: cache=%s, parallel=%s" % (str(self.fs.cache), str(self.parallel_method)) ) summary.append("User mode: %s" % "expert") summary.append("Dataset: %s" % self.dataset_id) return "\n".join(summary) def _add_attributes(self, this): # noqa: C901 """Add variables attributes not return by erddap requests This is hard coded, but should be retrieved from an API somewhere """ this = super()._add_attributes(this) if "DIRECTION" in this.data_vars: this["DIRECTION"].attrs[ "comment" ] = "Set to 'A' for all CTD stations by default" if "PLATFORM_NUMBER" in this.data_vars: this["PLATFORM_NUMBER"].attrs["long_name"] = "Fake unique identifier" this["PLATFORM_NUMBER"].attrs[ "comment" ] = "This was inferred from EXPOCODE and is not a real WMO" if "CYCLE_NUMBER" in this.data_vars: this["CYCLE_NUMBER"].attrs["long_name"] = "Station number" this["CYCLE_NUMBER"].attrs[ "comment" ] = "This was computed using unique TIME for each EXPOCODE" this["CYCLE_NUMBER"].attrs["convention"] = "-" return this def _init_erddapy(self): # Init erddapy self.erddap = ERDDAP(server=str(self.server), protocol="tabledap") self.erddap.response = "nc" self.erddap.dataset_id = "Argo-ref-ctd" return self @property def _minimal_vlist(self): """Return the minimal list of variables to retrieve measurements for""" # vlist = super()._minimal_vlist vlist = list() plist = ["latitude", "longitude", "time"] [vlist.append(p) for p in plist] plist = ["pres", "temp", "psal", "ptmp", "source", "qclevel"] [vlist.append(p) for p in plist] return vlist def to_xarray(self, errors: str = "ignore"): # noqa: C901 """Load CTD-Reference data and return a xarray.DataSet""" ds = super().to_xarray(errors=errors) ds = ds.rename({"SOURCE": "EXPOCODE"}) ds["DIRECTION"] = xr.full_like(ds["EXPOCODE"], "A", dtype=str) g = [] for iplatform, grp in enumerate(ds.groupby("EXPOCODE")): code, this_ds = grp for istation, sub_grp in enumerate(this_ds.groupby("TIME")): sub_grp[-1]["CYCLE_NUMBER"] = xr.full_like( sub_grp[-1]["TIME"], istation, int ) sub_grp[-1]["PLATFORM_NUMBER"] = xr.full_like( sub_grp[-1]["TIME"], iplatform + 900000, int ) g.append(sub_grp[-1]) ds = xr.concat( g, dim="N_POINTS", data_vars="minimal", coords="minimal", compat="override" ) ds.attrs["DATA_ID"] = "ARGO_Reference_CTD" ds.attrs["DOI"] = "-" # Cast data types and add variable attributes (not available in the csv download): ds = self._add_attributes(ds) ds = ds.argo.cast_types() return ds
[docs]class Fetch_box(ErddapREFDataFetcher): """Manage access to Argo CTD-reference data through Ifremer ERDDAP for: an ocean rectangle""" def init(self, box: list, **kw): """Create Argo data loader Parameters ---------- box : list(float, float, float, float, float, float, str, str) The box domain to load all Argo data for: box = [lon_min, lon_max, lat_min, lat_max, pres_min, pres_max] or: box = [lon_min, lon_max, lat_min, lat_max, pres_min, pres_max, datim_min, datim_max] """ self.BOX = box.copy() self.definition = ( "Ifremer erddap Argo CTD-REFERENCE data fetcher for a space/time region" ) return self def define_constraints(self): """Define request constraints""" self.erddap.constraints = {"longitude>=": conv_lon(self.BOX[0], conv='360')} self.erddap.constraints.update({"longitude<=": conv_lon(self.BOX[1], conv='360')}) self.erddap.constraints.update({"latitude>=": self.BOX[2]}) self.erddap.constraints.update({"latitude<=": self.BOX[3]}) self.erddap.constraints.update({"pres>=": self.BOX[4]}) self.erddap.constraints.update({"pres<=": self.BOX[5]}) if len(self.BOX) == 8: self.erddap.constraints.update({"time>=": self.BOX[6]}) self.erddap.constraints.update({"time<=": self.BOX[7]}) return None @property def uri(self): """List of files to load for a request Returns ------- list(str) """ if not self.parallel: return [self.get_url()] else: self.Chunker = Chunker( {"box": self.BOX}, chunks=self.chunks, chunksize=self.chunks_maxsize ) boxes = self.Chunker.fit_transform() urls = [] for box in boxes: urls.append( Fetch_box( box=box, ds=self.dataset_id, fs=self.fs, server=self.server ).get_url() ) return urls