Source code for argopy.utils.checkers

import os
import warnings
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr
from typing import Union
from fsspec.core import split_protocol
import fsspec
from socket import gaierror
import urllib
import json
import logging
import importlib

from ..options import OPTIONS
from ..errors import InvalidDatasetStructure, GdacPathError, InvalidFetcher
from .lists import list_available_data_src, list_available_index_src
from .casting import to_list

log = logging.getLogger("argopy.utils.checkers")

if importlib.util.find_spec("s3fs") is not None:
    HAS_S3 = True
    import s3fs
    HAS_S3 = False

if importlib.util.find_spec("boto3") is not None:
    HAS_BOTO3 = True
    import boto3
    HAS_BOTO3 = False

[docs] def is_indexbox(box: list, errors="raise"): """Check if this array matches a 2d or 3d index box definition Argopy expects one of the following 2 format to define an index box: - box = [lon_min, lon_max, lat_min, lat_max] - box = [lon_min, lon_max, lat_min, lat_max, datim_min, datim_max] This function check for this format compliance. Parameters ---------- box: list errors: str, default='raise' Returns ------- bool """ def is_dateconvertible(d): try: pd.to_datetime(d) isit = True except Exception: isit = False return isit tests = {} # Formats: tests["index box must be a list"] = lambda b: isinstance(b, list) tests["index box must be a list with 4 or 6 elements"] = lambda b: len(b) in [4, 6] # Types: tests["lon_min must be numeric"] = lambda b: ( isinstance(b[0], int) or isinstance(b[0], (np.floating, float)) ) tests["lon_max must be numeric"] = lambda b: ( isinstance(b[1], int) or isinstance(b[1], (np.floating, float)) ) tests["lat_min must be numeric"] = lambda b: ( isinstance(b[2], int) or isinstance(b[2], (np.floating, float)) ) tests["lat_max must be numeric"] = lambda b: ( isinstance(b[3], int) or isinstance(b[3], (np.floating, float)) ) if len(box) > 4: tests[ "datetim_min must be a string convertible to a Pandas datetime" ] = lambda b: isinstance(b[-2], str) and is_dateconvertible(b[-2]) tests[ "datetim_max must be a string convertible to a Pandas datetime" ] = lambda b: isinstance(b[-1], str) and is_dateconvertible(b[-1]) # Ranges: tests["lon_min must be in [-180;180] or [0;360]"] = ( lambda b: b[0] >= -180.0 and b[0] <= 360.0 ) tests["lon_max must be in [-180;180] or [0;360]"] = ( lambda b: b[1] >= -180.0 and b[1] <= 360.0 ) tests["lat_min must be in [-90;90]"] = lambda b: b[2] >= -90.0 and b[2] <= 90 tests["lat_max must be in [-90;90]"] = lambda b: b[3] >= -90.0 and b[3] <= 90.0 # Orders: tests["lon_max must be larger than lon_min"] = lambda b: b[0] < b[1] tests["lat_max must be larger than lat_min"] = lambda b: b[2] < b[3] if len(box) > 4: tests["datetim_max must come after datetim_min"] = lambda b: pd.to_datetime( b[-2] ) < pd.to_datetime(b[-1]) error = None for msg, test in tests.items(): if not test(box): error = msg break if error and errors == "raise": raise ValueError("%s: %s" % (box, error)) elif error: return False else: return True
[docs] def is_box(box: list, errors="raise"): """Check if this array matches a 3d or 4d data box definition Argopy expects one of the following 2 format to define a box: - box = [lon_min, lon_max, lat_min, lat_max, pres_min, pres_max] - box = [lon_min, lon_max, lat_min, lat_max, pres_min, pres_max, datim_min, datim_max] This function check for this format compliance. Parameters ---------- box: list errors: 'raise' Returns ------- bool """ def is_dateconvertible(d): try: pd.to_datetime(d) isit = True except Exception: isit = False return isit tests = {} # print(box) # Formats: tests["box must be a list"] = lambda b: isinstance(b, list) tests["box must be a list with 6 or 8 elements"] = lambda b: len(b) in [6, 8] # Types: tests["lon_min must be numeric"] = lambda b: ( isinstance(b[0], int) or isinstance(b[0], (np.floating, float)) ) tests["lon_max must be numeric"] = lambda b: ( isinstance(b[1], int) or isinstance(b[1], (np.floating, float)) ) tests["lat_min must be numeric"] = lambda b: ( isinstance(b[2], int) or isinstance(b[2], (np.floating, float)) ) tests["lat_max must be numeric"] = lambda b: ( isinstance(b[3], int) or isinstance(b[3], (np.floating, float)) ) tests["pres_min must be numeric"] = lambda b: ( isinstance(b[4], int) or isinstance(b[4], (np.floating, float)) ) tests["pres_max must be numeric"] = lambda b: ( isinstance(b[5], int) or isinstance(b[5], (np.floating, float)) ) if len(box) == 8: tests[ "datetim_min must be an object convertible to a Pandas datetime" ] = lambda b: is_dateconvertible(b[-2]) tests[ "datetim_max must be an object convertible to a Pandas datetime" ] = lambda b: is_dateconvertible(b[-1]) # Ranges: tests["lon_min must be in [-180;180] or [0;360]"] = ( lambda b: b[0] >= -180.0 and b[0] <= 360.0 ) tests["lon_max must be in [-180;180] or [0;360]"] = ( lambda b: b[1] >= -180.0 and b[1] <= 360.0 ) tests["lat_min must be in [-90;90]"] = lambda b: b[2] >= -90.0 and b[2] <= 90 tests["lat_max must be in [-90;90]"] = lambda b: b[3] >= -90.0 and b[3] <= 90.0 tests["pres_min must be in [0;10000]"] = lambda b: b[4] >= 0 and b[4] <= 10000 tests["pres_max must be in [0;10000]"] = lambda b: b[5] >= 0 and b[5] <= 10000 # Orders: tests["lon_max must be larger than lon_min"] = lambda b: b[0] <= b[1] tests["lat_max must be larger than lat_min"] = lambda b: b[2] <= b[3] tests["pres_max must be larger than pres_min"] = lambda b: b[4] <= b[5] if len(box) == 8: tests["datetim_max must come after datetim_min"] = lambda b: pd.to_datetime( b[-2] ) <= pd.to_datetime(b[-1]) error = None for msg, test in tests.items(): if not test(box): error = msg break if error and errors == "raise": raise ValueError("%s: %s" % (box, error)) elif error: return False else: return True
def is_list_of_strings(lst): return isinstance(lst, list) and all(isinstance(elem, str) for elem in lst) def is_list_of_dicts(lst): return all(isinstance(x, dict) for x in lst) def is_list_of_datasets(lst): return all(isinstance(x, xr.Dataset) for x in lst) def is_list_equal(lst1, lst2): """Return true if 2 lists contain same elements""" return len(lst1) == len(lst2) and len(lst1) == sum( [1 for i, j in zip(lst1, lst2) if i == j] )
[docs] def check_wmo(lst, errors="raise"): """Validate a WMO option and returned it as a list of integers Parameters ---------- wmo: int WMO must be an integer or an iterable with elements that can be casted as integers errors: {'raise', 'warn', 'ignore'} Possibly raises a ValueError exception or UserWarning, otherwise fails silently. Returns ------- list(int) """ is_wmo(lst, errors=errors) # Make sure we deal with a list lst = to_list(lst) # Then cast list elements as integers return [abs(int(x)) for x in lst]
[docs] def is_wmo(lst, errors="raise"): # noqa: C901 """Check if a WMO is valid Parameters ---------- wmo: int, list(int), array(int) WMO must be a single or a list of 5/7 digit positive numbers errors: {'raise', 'warn', 'ignore'} Possibly raises a ValueError exception or UserWarning, otherwise fails silently. Returns ------- bool True if wmo is indeed a list of integers """ # Make sure we deal with a list lst = to_list(lst) # Error message: # msg = "WMO must be an integer or an iterable with elements that can be casted as integers" msg = "WMO must be a single or a list of 5/7 digit positive numbers. Invalid: '{}'".format # Then try to cast list elements as integers, return True if ok result = True try: for x in lst: if not str(x).isdigit(): result = False if (len(str(x)) != 5) and (len(str(x)) != 7): result = False if int(x) <= 0: result = False except Exception: result = False if errors == "raise": raise ValueError(msg(x)) elif errors == "warn": warnings.warn(msg(x)) if not result: if errors == "raise": raise ValueError(msg(x)) elif errors == "warn": warnings.warn(msg(x)) else: return result
[docs] def check_cyc(lst, errors="raise"): """Validate a CYC option and returned it as a list of integers Parameters ---------- cyc: int CYC must be an integer or an iterable with elements that can be casted as positive integers errors: {'raise', 'warn', 'ignore'} Possibly raises a ValueError exception or UserWarning, otherwise fails silently. Returns ------- list(int) """ is_cyc(lst, errors=errors) # Make sure we deal with a list lst = to_list(lst) # Then cast list elements as integers return [abs(int(x)) for x in lst]
[docs] def is_cyc(lst, errors="raise"): # noqa: C901 """Check if a CYC is valid Parameters ---------- cyc: int, list(int), array(int) CYC must be a single or a list of at most 4 digit positive numbers errors: {'raise', 'warn', 'ignore'} Possibly raises a ValueError exception or UserWarning, otherwise fails silently. Returns ------- bool True if cyc is indeed a list of integers """ # Make sure we deal with a list lst = to_list(lst) # Error message: msg = "CYC must be a single or a list of at most 4 digit positive numbers. Invalid: '{}'".format # Then try to cast list elements as integers, return True if ok result = True try: for x in lst: if not str(x).isdigit(): result = False if len(str(x)) > 4: result = False if int(x) < 0: result = False except Exception: result = False if errors == "raise": raise ValueError(msg(x)) elif errors == "warn": warnings.warn(msg(x)) if not result: if errors == "raise": raise ValueError(msg(x)) elif errors == "warn": warnings.warn(msg(x)) else: return result
def check_index_cols(column_names: list, convention: str = "ar_index_global_prof"): """ ar_index_global_prof.txt: Index of profile files Profile directory file of the Argo Global Data Assembly Center file,date,latitude,longitude,ocean,profiler_type,institution,date_update argo_bio-profile_index.txt: bgc Argo profiles index file The directory file describes all individual bio-profile files of the argo GDAC ftp site. file,date,latitude,longitude,ocean,profiler_type,institution,parameters,parameter_data_mode,date_update """ # Default for 'ar_index_global_prof' ref = [ "file", "date", "latitude", "longitude", "ocean", "profiler_type", "institution", "date_update", ] if ( convention == "argo_bio-profile_index" or convention == "argo_synthetic-profile_index" ): ref = [ "file", "date", "latitude", "longitude", "ocean", "profiler_type", "institution", "parameters", "parameter_data_mode", "date_update", ] if ( convention == "argo_aux-profile_index" ): # ['file', 'date', 'latitude', 'longitude', 'ocean', 'profiler_type', 'institution', 'parameters', 'date_update'] ref = [ "file", "date", "latitude", "longitude", "ocean", "profiler_type", "institution", "parameters", "date_update", ] if not is_list_equal(column_names, ref): log.debug("Expected (convention=%s): %s, got: %s" % (convention, ";".join(ref), ";".join(column_names))) raise InvalidDatasetStructure("Unexpected column names in this index !") else: return column_names def check_gdac_path(path, errors="ignore"): # noqa: C901 """Check if a path has the expected GDAC structure Expected GDAC structure:: . └── dac β”œβ”€β”€ aoml β”œβ”€β”€ ... β”œβ”€β”€ coriolis β”œβ”€β”€ ... β”œβ”€β”€ meds └── nmdis This check will return True if at least one DAC sub-folder is found under path/dac/<dac_name> Examples:: >>> check_gdac_path("") # True >>> check_gdac_path("") # True >>> check_gdac_path("") # True >>> check_gdac_path("/home/ref-argo/gdac") # True >>> check_gdac_path("") # False >>> check_gdac_path("") # False Parameters ---------- path: str Path name to check, including access protocol errors: str "ignore" or "raise" (or "warn") Returns ------- checked: boolean True if at least one DAC folder is found under path/dac/<dac_name> False otherwise """ # Create a file system for this path if split_protocol(path)[0] is None: fs = fsspec.filesystem("file") elif "https" in split_protocol(path)[0]: fs = fsspec.filesystem("http") elif "ftp" in split_protocol(path)[0]: try: host = split_protocol(path)[-1].split("/")[0] fs = fsspec.filesystem("ftp", host=host) except gaierror: if errors == "raise": raise GdacPathError("Can't get address info (GAIerror) on '%s'" % host) elif errors == "warn": warnings.warn("Can't get address info (GAIerror) on '%s'" % host) return False else: return False else: raise GdacPathError( "Unknown protocol for an Argo GDAC host: %s" % split_protocol(path)[0] ) # dacs = [ # "aoml", # "bodc", # "coriolis", # "csio", # "csiro", # "incois", # "jma", # "kma", # "kordi", # "meds", # "nmdis", # ] # Case 1: check1 = ( fs.exists(path) and fs.exists(fs.sep.join([path, "dac"])) # and np.any([fs.exists(fs.sep.join([path, "dac", dac])) for dac in dacs]) # Take too much time on http/ftp GDAC server ) if check1: return True elif errors == "raise": raise GdacPathError( "This path is not GDAC compliant (no `dac` folder with legitimate sub-folder):\n%s" % path ) elif errors == "warn": warnings.warn("This path is not GDAC compliant:\n%s" % path) return False else: return False
[docs] def isconnected(host: str = "", maxtry: int = 10): """Check if an URL is alive Parameters ---------- host: str URL to use, '' by default maxtry: int, default: 10 Maximum number of host connections to try before Returns ------- bool """ def test_retry(host, checker, maxtry): it = 0 while it < maxtry: try: checker(host) result, it = True, maxtry except Exception: result, it = False, it + 1 return result def check_local(host): return os.path.exists(host) def check_remote(host): return urllib.request.urlopen( host, timeout=1 ) # nosec B310 because host protocol already checked def check_s3(host): return s3fs.S3FileSystem(anon=True).info(host) if split_protocol(host)[0] in ["http", "https", "ftp", "sftp"]: return test_retry(host, check_remote, maxtry) elif split_protocol(host)[0] == "s3": if HAS_S3: return test_retry(host, check_s3, maxtry) else: raise ValueError( "Can't check if an S3 server is connected without the 's3fs' library. Please update your environment " "with this dependency.") else: return test_retry(host, check_local, 1)
[docs] def urlhaskeyword(url: str = "", keyword: str = "", maxtry: int = 10): """Check if a keyword is in the content of a URL Parameters ---------- url: str keyword: str maxtry: int, default: 10 Maximum number of host connections to try before returning False Returns ------- bool """ it = 0 while it < maxtry: try: with as f: data = result = keyword in str(data) it = maxtry except Exception: result, it = False, it + 1 return result
[docs] def isalive(api_server_check: Union[str, dict] = "") -> bool: """Check if an API is alive or not 2 methods are available: - URL Ping - keyword Check Parameters ---------- api_server_check Url string or dictionary with [``url``, ``keyword``] keys. - For a string, uses: :class:`argopy.utilities.isconnected` - For a dictionary, uses: :class:`argopy.utilities.urlhaskeyword` Returns ------- bool """ # log.debug("isalive: %s" % api_server_check) if isinstance(api_server_check, dict): return urlhaskeyword( url=api_server_check["url"], keyword=api_server_check["keyword"] ) else: return isconnected(api_server_check)
[docs] def isAPIconnected(src="erddap", data=True): """Check if a source API is alive or not The API is connected when it has a live URL or valid folder path. Parameters ---------- src: str The data or index source name, 'erddap' default data: bool If True check the data fetcher (default), if False, check the index fetcher Returns ------- bool """ if data: list_src = list_available_data_src() else: list_src = list_available_index_src() if src in list_src and getattr(list_src[src], "api_server_check", None): return isalive(list_src[src].api_server_check) else: raise InvalidFetcher
def erddap_ds_exists( ds: Union[list, str] = "ArgoFloats", erddap: str = None, maxtry: int = 2 ) -> bool: """Check if a dataset exists on a remote erddap server Parameter --------- ds: str, default='ArgoFloats' Name of the erddap dataset to check erddap: str, default=OPTIONS['erddap'] Url of the erddap server maxtry: int, default: 2 Maximum number of host connections to try Return ------ bool """ if erddap is None: erddap = OPTIONS["erddap"] # log.debug("from erddap_ds_exists: %s" % erddap) if isconnected(erddap, maxtry=maxtry): from ..stores import httpstore # must import here to avoid circular import with httpstore(timeout=OPTIONS["api_timeout"]).open( "".join([erddap, "/info/index.json"]) ) as of: erddap_index = json.load(of) if is_list_of_strings(ds): return [ this_ds in [row[-1] for row in erddap_index["table"]["rows"]] for this_ds in ds ] else: return ds in [row[-1] for row in erddap_index["table"]["rows"]] else: log.debug("Cannot reach erddap server: %s" % erddap) warnings.warn( "Return False because we cannot reach the erddap server %s" % erddap ) return False def has_aws_credentials(): if HAS_BOTO3: client = boto3.client('s3') return client._request_signer._credentials is not None else: raise Exception("boto3 is not available !")