Source code for argopy.utils.locals

import os
import sys
import subprocess  # nosec B404 only used without user inputs
import platform
import locale
import struct
import importlib
from importlib.metadata import version
import contextlib
import copy
from ..options import OPTIONS

def get_sys_info():
    """Returns system information as a dict"""

    blob = []

    # get full commit hash
    commit = None
    if os.path.isdir(".git") and os.path.isdir("argopy"):
            pipe = subprocess.Popen(  # nosec No user provided input to control here
                'git log --format="%H" -n 1'.split(" "),
            so, serr = pipe.communicate()
        except Exception:
            if pipe.returncode == 0:
                commit = so
                    commit = so.decode("utf-8")
                except ValueError:
                commit = commit.strip().strip('"')

    blob.append(("commit", commit))

        (sysname, nodename, release, version_, machine, processor) = platform.uname()
                ("python", sys.version),
                ("python-bits", struct.calcsize("P") * 8),
                ("OS", "%s" % (sysname)),
                ("OS-release", "%s" % (release)),
                ("machine", "%s" % (machine)),
                ("processor", "%s" % (processor)),
                ("byteorder", "%s" % sys.byteorder),
                ("LC_ALL", "%s" % os.environ.get("LC_ALL", "None")),
                ("LANG", "%s" % os.environ.get("LANG", "None")),
                ("LOCALE", "%s.%s" % locale.getlocale()),
    except Exception:

    return blob

def netcdf_and_hdf5_versions():
    libhdf5_version = None
    libnetcdf_version = None
        import netCDF4

        libhdf5_version = netCDF4.__hdf5libversion__
        libnetcdf_version = netCDF4.__netcdf4libversion__
    except ImportError:
            import h5py

            libhdf5_version = h5py.version.hdf5_version
        except ImportError:
    return [("libhdf5", libhdf5_version), ("libnetcdf", libnetcdf_version)]

def get_version(module_name):
    ver = '-'
        ver = module_name.__version__
    except AttributeError:
            ver = version(module_name)
        except importlib.metadata.PackageNotFoundError:
    return ver

[docs]def show_versions(file=sys.stdout, conda=False): # noqa: C901 """Print the versions of argopy and its dependencies Parameters ---------- file : file-like, optional print to the given file-like object. Defaults to sys.stdout. conda: bool, optional format versions to be copy/pasted on a conda environment file (default, False) """ sys_info = get_sys_info() try: sys_info.extend(netcdf_and_hdf5_versions()) except Exception as e: print(f"Error collecting netcdf / hdf5 version: {e}") DEPS = { "core": sorted( [ ("argopy", get_version), ("xarray", get_version), ("scipy", get_version), ("netCDF4", get_version), ("erddapy", get_version), ("fsspec", get_version), ("aiohttp", get_version), ("packaging", get_version), # will come with xarray, Using 'version' to make API compatible with several fsspec releases ("requests", get_version), ("toolz", get_version), ] ), "ext.util": sorted( [ ( "gsw", get_version, ), # Used by xarray accessor to compute new variables ("tqdm", get_version), ("zarr", get_version), ] ), "ext.perf": sorted( [ ("dask", get_version), ("distributed", get_version), ("h5netcdf", get_version), ("pyarrow", get_version), ] ), "ext.plot": sorted( [ ("cartopy", get_version), ("IPython", get_version), ("ipykernel", get_version), ("ipywidgets", get_version), ("matplotlib", get_version), ("pyproj", get_version), ("seaborn", get_version), ] ), "dev": sorted( [ ("aiofiles", get_version), ("black", get_version), ("bottleneck", get_version), ("cftime", get_version), ("cfgrib", get_version), ("conda", get_version), ("flake8", get_version), ("nc_time_axis", get_version), ("numpy", get_version), # will come with xarray and pandas ("pandas", get_version), # will come with xarray ("pip", get_version), ("pytest", get_version), # will come with pandas ("pytest_env", get_version), # will come with pandas ("pytest_cov", get_version), # will come with pandas ("pytest_localftpserver", get_version), # will come with pandas ("setuptools", get_version), # Provides : pkg_resources ("sphinx", get_version), ] ), 'pip': sorted([ ("pytest-reportlog", get_version), ]) } DEPS_blob = {} for level in DEPS.keys(): deps = DEPS[level] deps_blob = list() for modname, ver_f in deps: try: if modname in sys.modules: mod = sys.modules[modname] else: mod = importlib.import_module(modname) except Exception: deps_blob.append((modname, "-")) else: try: ver = ver_f(modname) deps_blob.append((modname, ver)) except Exception: deps_blob.append((modname, "installed")) DEPS_blob[level] = deps_blob print("\nSYSTEM", file=file) print("------", file=file) for k, stat in sys_info: print(f"{k}: {stat}", file=file) for level in DEPS_blob: if conda: print("\n# %s:" % level.upper(), file=file) else: title = "INSTALLED VERSIONS: %s" % level.upper() print("\n%s" % title, file=file) print("-" * len(title), file=file) deps_blob = DEPS_blob[level] for k, stat in deps_blob: if conda: if k != "argopy": kf = k.replace("_", "-") comment = " " if stat != "-" else "# " print( f"{comment} - {kf} = {stat}", file=file ) # Format like a conda env line, useful to update ci/requirements else: print("{:<12}: {:<12}".format(k, stat), file=file)
@contextlib.contextmanager def modified_environ(*remove, **update): """ Temporarily updates the ``os.environ`` dictionary in-place. The ``os.environ`` dictionary is updated in-place so that the modification is sure to work in all situations. :param remove: Environment variables to remove. :param update: Dictionary of environment variables and values to add/update. """ # Source: env = os.environ update = update or {} remove = remove or [] # List of environment variables being updated or removed. stomped = (set(update.keys()) | set(remove)) & set(env.keys()) # Environment variables and values to restore on exit. update_after = {k: env[k] for k in stomped} # Environment variables and values to remove on exit. remove_after = frozenset(k for k in update if k not in env) try: env.update(update) [env.pop(k, None) for k in remove] yield finally: env.update(update_after) [env.pop(k) for k in remove_after]
[docs]def show_options(file=sys.stdout): # noqa: C901 """Print options of argopy Parameters ---------- file : file-like, optional print to the given file-like object. Defaults to sys.stdout. """ print("\nARGOPY OPTIONS", file=file) print("--------------", file=file) opts = copy.deepcopy(OPTIONS) opts = dict(sorted(opts.items())) for k, v in opts.items(): print(f"{k}: {v}", file=file)