Source code for argopy.utils.transform

Manipulate/transform xarray objects or list of objects

import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
import logging
from typing import List, Union

from ..errors import InvalidDatasetStructure
from .lists import list_core_parameters

log = logging.getLogger("argopy.utils.manip")

[docs] def drop_variables_not_in_all_datasets( ds_collection: List[xr.Dataset], ) -> List[xr.Dataset]: """Drop variables that are not in all datasets (the lowest common denominator) Parameters ---------- ds_collection: List[xarray.Dataset] A list of :class:`xarray.Dataset` Returns ------- List[xarray.Dataset] """ # List all possible data variables: vlist = [] for res in ds_collection: [vlist.append(v) for v in list(res.data_vars)] vlist = np.unique(vlist) # Check if each variable are in each dataset: ishere = np.zeros((len(vlist), len(ds_collection))) for ir, res in enumerate(ds_collection): for iv, v in enumerate(res.data_vars): for iu, u in enumerate(vlist): if v == u: ishere[iu, ir] = 1 # List of dataset with missing variables: # ir_missing = np.sum(ishere, axis=0) < len(vlist) # List of variables missing in some dataset: iv_missing = np.sum(ishere, axis=1) < len(ds_collection) if len(iv_missing) > 0: log.debug( "Dropping these variables that are missing from some dataset in this list: %s" % vlist[iv_missing] ) # List of variables to keep iv_tokeep = np.sum(ishere, axis=1) == len(ds_collection) for ir, res in enumerate(ds_collection): # print("\n", res.attrs['Fetched_uri']) v_to_drop = [] for iv, v in enumerate(res.data_vars): if v not in vlist[iv_tokeep]: v_to_drop.append(v) ds_collection[ir] = ds_collection[ir].drop_vars(v_to_drop) return ds_collection
[docs] def fill_variables_not_in_all_datasets( ds_collection: List[xr.Dataset], concat_dim: str = "rows" ) -> List[xr.Dataset]: """Add empty variables to dataset so that all the collection have the same :attr:`xarray.Dataset.data_vars` and :props:`xarray.Dataset.coords` This is to make sure that the collection of dataset can be concatenated Parameters ---------- ds_collection: List[xarray.Dataset] A list of :class:`xarray.Dataset` concat_dim: str, default='rows' Name of the dimension to use to create new variables. Typically, this is the name of the dimension the collection will be concatenated along afterward. Returns ------- List[xarray.Dataset] """ def first_variable_with_concat_dim(this_ds, concat_dim="rows"): """Return the 1st variable in the collection that have the concat_dim in dims""" first = None for v in this_ds.data_vars: if concat_dim in this_ds[v].dims: first = v pass return first def fillvalue(da): """Return fillvalue for a dataarray""" # if da.dtype.kind in ["U"]: fillvalue = " " elif da.dtype.kind == "i": fillvalue = 99999 elif da.dtype.kind == "M": fillvalue = np.datetime64("NaT") else: fillvalue = np.nan return fillvalue # List all possible data variables: vlist = [] for res in ds_collection: [vlist.append(v) for v in list(res.variables) if concat_dim in res[v].dims] vlist = np.unique(vlist) # log.debug('variables', vlist) # List all possible coordinates: clist = [] for res in ds_collection: [clist.append(c) for c in list(res.coords) if concat_dim in res[c].dims] clist = np.unique(clist) # log.debu('coordinates', clist) # Get the first occurrence of each variable, to be used as a template for attributes and dtype meta = {} for ir, ds in enumerate(ds_collection): for v in vlist: if v in ds.variables: meta[v] = { "attrs": ds[v].attrs, "dtype": ds[v].dtype, "fill_value": fillvalue(ds[v]), } # [log.debug(meta[m]) for m in meta.keys()] # Add missing variables to dataset datasets = [ds.copy() for ds in ds_collection] for ir, ds in enumerate(datasets): for v in vlist: if v not in ds.variables: like = ds[first_variable_with_concat_dim(ds, concat_dim=concat_dim)] datasets[ir][v] = xr.full_like( like, fill_value=meta[v]["fill_value"], dtype=meta[v]["dtype"] ) datasets[ir][v].attrs = meta[v]["attrs"] # Make sure that all datasets have the same set of coordinates results = [] for ir, ds in enumerate(datasets): results.append(datasets[ir].set_coords(clist)) # return results
def merge_param_with_param_adjusted( ds: xr.Dataset, param: str, errors: str = "raise" ) -> xr.Dataset: """Copy <PARAM>_ADJUSTED values onto <PARAM> for points where param data mode is 'A' or 'D' After values have been copied, all <PARAM>_ADJUSTED* variables are dropped to avoid confusion. For core and deep datasets (ds='phy'), we use the ``<DATA>_MODE`` variable. For the bgc dataset (ds='bgc'), we use the ``<PARAM>_DATA_MODE`` variables. The type of dataset is inferred automatically. Parameters ---------- ds: :class:`xarray.Dataset` Dataset to transform param: str Name of the parameter to merge errors: str, optional, default='raise' If 'raise': raises a InvalidDatasetStructure error if any of the expected dataset variables is not found. If 'ignore', fails silently and return unmodified dataset. Returns ------- :class:`xarray.Dataset` """ if "%s_ADJUSTED" % param not in ds: if errors == "raise": raise InvalidDatasetStructure( "Parameter '%s_ADJUSTED' adjusted values not found in this dataset" % param ) else: return ds if ds.argo._type != "point": raise InvalidDatasetStructure("Method only available to a collection of points") core_ds = False if "%s_DATA_MODE" % param not in ds and param in list_core_parameters(): if "DATA_MODE" not in ds: if errors == "raise": raise InvalidDatasetStructure( "Parameter '%s' data mode not found in this dataset (no 'DATA_MODE')" % param ) else: return ds else: core_ds = True # Create a bgc-like parameter data mode variable: ds["%s_DATA_MODE" % param] = ds["DATA_MODE"].copy() # that will be dropped at the end of the process if param not in ds: ds[param] = ds["%s_ADJUSTED" % param].copy() if "%s_QC" % param not in ds and "%s_ADJUSTED_QC" % param in ds: ds["%s_QC" % param] = ds["%s_ADJUSTED_QC" % param].copy() if "%s_ERROR" % param not in ds and "%s_ADJUSTED_ERROR" % param in ds: ds["%s_ERROR" % param] = ds["%s_ADJUSTED_ERROR" % param].copy() ii_measured = np.logical_or.reduce( ( ds["%s_DATA_MODE" % param] == "R", ds["%s_DATA_MODE" % param] == "A", ds["%s_DATA_MODE" % param] == "D", ) ) ii_missing = np.logical_and.reduce( ( ds["%s_DATA_MODE" % param] != "R", ds["%s_DATA_MODE" % param] != "A", ds["%s_DATA_MODE" % param] != "D", ) ) assert ii_measured.sum() + ii_missing.sum() == len( ds["N_POINTS"] ), "Unexpected data mode values !" ii_measured_adj = np.logical_and.reduce( ( ii_measured, np.logical_or.reduce( (ds["%s_DATA_MODE" % param] == "A", ds["%s_DATA_MODE" % param] == "D") ), ) ) # Copy param_adjusted values onto param indexes where data_mode is in 'a' or 'd': ds["%s" % param].loc[dict(N_POINTS=ii_measured_adj)] = ds[ "%s_ADJUSTED" % param ].loc[dict(N_POINTS=ii_measured_adj)] ds = ds.drop_vars(["%s_ADJUSTED" % param]) if "%s_ADJUSTED_QC" % param in ds and "%s_ADJUSTED_QC" % param in ds: ds["%s_QC" % param].loc[dict(N_POINTS=ii_measured_adj)] = ds[ "%s_ADJUSTED_QC" % param ].loc[dict(N_POINTS=ii_measured_adj)] ds = ds.drop_vars(["%s_ADJUSTED_QC" % param]) if "%s_ERROR" % param in ds and "%s_ADJUSTED_ERROR" % param in ds: ds["%s_ERROR" % param].loc[dict(N_POINTS=ii_measured_adj)] = ds[ "%s_ADJUSTED_ERROR" % param ].loc[dict(N_POINTS=ii_measured_adj)] ds = ds.drop_vars(["%s_ADJUSTED_ERROR" % param]) if core_ds: ds = ds.drop_vars(["%s_DATA_MODE" % param]) return ds def filter_param_by_data_mode( ds: xr.Dataset, param: str, dm: Union[str, List[str]] = ["R", "A", "D"], mask: bool = False, errors: str = "raise", ) -> xr.Dataset: """Filter measurements according to a parameter data mode Filter the dataset to keep points where a parameter is in any of the data mode specified. This method can return the filtered dataset or the filter mask. Notes ----- - Method compatible with core, deep and BGC datasets - Can be applied after the :class:`xarray.Dataset.transform_data_mode` Parameters ---------- ds: :class:`xarray.Dataset` The dataset to work filter param: str Name of the parameter to apply the filter to dm: str, list(str), optional, default=['R', 'A', 'D'] List of DATA_MODE values (string) to keep mask: bool, optional, default=False Determine if we should return the filter mask or the filtered dataset errors: str, optional, default='raise' If ``raise``, raises a InvalidDatasetStructure error if any of the expected variables is not found. If ``ignore``, fails silently and return unmodified dataset. Returns ------- :class:`xarray.Dataset` """ core_ds = False if "%s_DATA_MODE" % param not in ds and param in list_core_parameters(): if "DATA_MODE" not in ds: if errors == "raise": raise InvalidDatasetStructure( "Parameter '%s' data mode not found in this dataset (no 'DATA_MODE')" % param ) else: return ds else: core_ds = True # Create a bgc-like parameter data mode variable: ds["%s_DATA_MODE" % param] = ds["DATA_MODE"].copy() # that will be dropped at the end of the process filter = [] for this_dm in dm: vname = "%s_DATA_MODE" % param if vname not in ds: log.warning("The parameter '%s' has no associated data mode" % vname) else: filter.append(ds[vname] == "%s" % this_dm.upper()) if len(filter) > 0: filter = np.logical_or.reduce(filter) if core_ds: ds = ds.drop_vars(["%s_DATA_MODE" % param]) if mask: return filter else: return ds.loc[dict(N_POINTS=filter)] if len(filter) > 0 else ds def split_data_mode(ds: xr.Dataset) -> xr.Dataset: """Convert PARAMETER_DATA_MODE(N_PROF, N_PARAM) into several <PARAM>_DATA_MODE(N_PROF) variables Using the list of *PARAM* found in ``STATION_PARAMETERS``, this method will create ``N_PARAM`` new variables in the dataset ``*PARAM*_DATA_MODE(N_PROF)``. The variable ``PARAMETER_DATA_MODE`` is drop from the dataset at the end of the process. Returns ------- :class:`xr.Dataset` """ if "STATION_PARAMETERS" in ds and "PARAMETER_DATA_MODE" in ds: u64 = lambda s: "%s%s" % (s, " " * (64 - len(s))) # noqa: E731 params = [p.strip() for p in np.unique(ds["STATION_PARAMETERS"])] for param in params: name = "%s_DATA_MODE" % param.replace("_PARAMETER", "").replace( "PARAMETER_", "" ) mask = ds["STATION_PARAMETERS"] == xr.full_like( ds["STATION_PARAMETERS"], u64(param), dtype=ds["STATION_PARAMETERS"].dtype, ) da = ds["PARAMETER_DATA_MODE"].where(mask, drop=True).isel(N_PARAM=0) da = da.rename(name) da = da.astype(ds["PARAMETER_DATA_MODE"].dtype) ds[name] = da ds = ds.drop_vars("PARAMETER_DATA_MODE") ds.argo.add_history("Transformed with 'split_data_mode'") return ds