import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr
import getpass
import logging
from abc import abstractmethod
import warnings
from ..stores import httpstore
from ..options import OPTIONS, DEFAULT, PARALLEL_SETUP
from ..utils.chunking import Chunker
from ..utils.decorators import deprecated
from ..errors import DataNotFound
from .proto import ArgoDataFetcherProto
from .argovis_data_processors import pre_process, add_attributes
access_points = ["wmo", "box"]
exit_formats = ["xarray"]
dataset_ids = ["phy"] # First is default
api_server = ""
api_server_check = ""
log = logging.getLogger("")
class ArgovisDataFetcher(ArgoDataFetcherProto):
data_source = "argovis"
# Methods to be customised for a specific Argovis request
def init(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Initialisation for a specific fetcher"""
raise NotImplementedError("Not implemented")
def uri(self):
"""Return the URL used to download data"""
raise NotImplementedError("Not implemented")
# Methods that must not change
def __init__(
ds: str = "",
cache: bool = False,
cachedir: str = "",
parallel: bool = False,
progress: bool = False,
chunks: str = "auto",
chunks_maxsize: dict = {},
api_timeout: int = 0,
"""Instantiate an Argovis Argo data loader
ds: str (optional)
Dataset to load: 'phy' or 'bgc'
cache: bool (optional)
Cache data or not (default: False)
cachedir: str (optional)
Path to cache folder
parallel: bool, str, :class:`distributed.Client`, default: False
Set whether to use parallelization or not, and possibly which method to use.
Possible values:
- ``False``: no parallelization is used
- ``True``: use default method specified by the ``parallel_default_method`` option
- any other values accepted by the ``parallel_default_method`` option
progress: bool (optional)
Show a progress bar or not when ``parallel`` is set to True.
chunks: 'auto' or dict of integers (optional)
Dictionary with request access point as keys and number of chunks to create as values.
Eg: {'wmo': 10} will create a maximum of 10 chunks along WMOs when used with ``Fetch_wmo``.
chunks_maxsize: dict (optional)
Dictionary with request access point as keys and chunk size as values (used as maximum values in
'auto' chunking).
Eg: {'wmo': 5} will create chunks with as many as 5 WMOs each.
api_timeout: int (optional)
Argovis API request time out in seconds. Set to OPTIONS['api_timeout'] by default.
self.definition = "Argovis Argo data fetcher"
self.dataset_id = OPTIONS["ds"] if ds == "" else ds
self.user_mode = kwargs["mode"] if "mode" in kwargs else OPTIONS["mode"]
self.server = kwargs["server"] if "server" in kwargs else api_server
timeout = OPTIONS["api_timeout"] if api_timeout == 0 else api_timeout
self.store_opts = {
"cache": cache,
"cachedir": cachedir,
"timeout": timeout,
# "size_policy": "head", # deprecated
"client_kwargs": {"headers": {"x-argokey": OPTIONS["argovis_api_key"]}},
self.fs = kwargs["fs"] if "fs" in kwargs else httpstore(**self.store_opts)
self.parallelize, self.parallel_method = PARALLEL_SETUP(parallel)
self.progress = progress
self.chunks = chunks
self.chunks_maxsize = chunks_maxsize
self.key_map = {
"date": "TIME",
"date_qc": "TIME_QC",
"lat": "LATITUDE",
"lon": "LONGITUDE",
"cycle_number": "CYCLE_NUMBER",
"platform_number": "PLATFORM_NUMBER",
"position_qc": "POSITION_QC",
"pres": "PRES",
"temp": "TEMP",
"psal": "PSAL",
"index": "N_POINTS",
def __repr__(self):
summary = ["<datafetcher.argovis>"]
api_key = self.fs.fs.client_kwargs["headers"]["x-argokey"]
if api_key == DEFAULT["argovis_api_key"]:
"π API KEY: '%s' (get a free key at"
% api_key
summary.append("π API KEY: '%s'" % api_key)
return "\n".join(summary)
def _add_history(self, this, txt):
if "history" in this.attrs:
this.attrs["history"] += "; %s" % txt
this.attrs["history"] = txt
return this
def cachepath(self):
"""Return path to cache file for this request"""
return [self.fs.cachepath(url) for url in self.uri]
def cname(self):
"""Return a unique string defining the constraints"""
return self._cname()
def url_encode(self, urls):
"""Return safely encoded list of urls"""
# return urls
def safe_for_fsspec_cache(url):
url = url.replace("[", "%5B") # This is the one really necessary
url = url.replace("]", "%5D") # For consistency
return url
return [safe_for_fsspec_cache(url) for url in urls]
"Not serializable, please use 'argovis_data_processors.pre_process'",
def json2dataframe(self, profiles):
"""convert json data to Pandas DataFrame"""
# Make sure we deal with a list
if isinstance(profiles, list):
data = profiles
data = [profiles]
# Transform
rows = []
for profile in data:
# construct metadata dictionary that will be repeated for each level
metadict = {
"date": profile["timestamp"],
"date_qc": profile["timestamp_argoqc"],
"lat": profile["geolocation"]["coordinates"][1],
"lon": profile["geolocation"]["coordinates"][0],
"cycle_number": profile["cycle_number"],
"DATA_MODE": profile["data_info"][2][0][1],
"DIRECTION": profile["profile_direction"],
"platform_number": profile["_id"].split("_")[0],
"position_qc": profile["geolocation_argoqc"],
"index": 0,
# construct a row for each level in the profile
for i in range(
row = {
"temp": profile["data"][
"pres": profile["data"][profile["data_info"][0].index("pressure")][
"psal": profile["data"][profile["data_info"][0].index("salinity")][
df = pd.DataFrame(rows)
return df
def to_dataframe(self, errors: str = "ignore") -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Load Argo data and return a Pandas dataframe"""
# Download data:
preprocess_opts = {"key_map": self.key_map}
df_list = self.fs.open_mfjson(
# Merge results (list of dataframe):
df = pd.concat(df_list, ignore_index=True)
if df.shape[0] == 0:
raise DataNotFound("No data found for: %s" % self.cname())
df.sort_values(by=["TIME", "PRES"], inplace=True)
df["N_POINTS"] = np.arange(0, len(df["N_POINTS"]))
df = df.set_index(["N_POINTS"])
return df
def to_xarray(self, errors: str = "ignore") -> xr.Dataset:
"""Download and return data as xarray Datasets"""
ds = self.to_dataframe(errors=errors).to_xarray()
# ds["TIME"] = pd.to_datetime(ds["TIME"], utc=True)
ds = ds.sortby(
["TIME", "PRES"]
) # should already be sorted by date in descending order
ds["N_POINTS"] = np.arange(
0, len(ds["N_POINTS"])
) # Re-index to avoid duplicate values
# Set coordinates:
ds = ds.reset_coords()
ds["N_POINTS"] = ds["N_POINTS"]
# Convert all coordinate variable names to upper case
for v in ds.data_vars:
ds = ds.rename({v: v.upper()})
ds = ds.set_coords(coords)
# Add variable attributes and cast data types:
ds = add_attributes(ds)
ds = ds.argo.cast_types()
# Remove argovis dataset attributes and replace them with argopy ones:
ds.attrs = {}
if self.dataset_id == "phy":
ds.attrs["DATA_ID"] = "ARGO"
ds.attrs["DOI"] = ""
ds.attrs["Fetched_from"] = self.server
ds.attrs["Fetched_by"] = getpass.getuser()
except: # noqa: E722
ds.attrs["Fetched_by"] = "anonymous"
ds.attrs["Fetched_date"] = pd.to_datetime("now", utc=True).strftime("%Y/%m/%d")
ds.attrs["Fetched_constraints"] = self.cname()
ds.attrs["Fetched_uri"] = self.uri
ds = ds[np.sort(ds.data_vars)]
return ds
def transform_data_mode(self, ds: xr.Dataset, **kwargs):
# Argovis data are already curated !
if ds.argo._type == "point":
ds["N_POINTS"] = np.arange(0, len(ds["N_POINTS"]))
return ds
def filter_data_mode(self, ds: xr.Dataset, **kwargs):
# Argovis data are already curated !
if ds.argo._type == "point":
ds["N_POINTS"] = np.arange(0, len(ds["N_POINTS"]))
return ds
def filter_qc(self, ds: xr.Dataset, **kwargs):
# Argovis data are already curated !
if ds.argo._type == "point":
ds["N_POINTS"] = np.arange(0, len(ds["N_POINTS"]))
return ds
def filter_researchmode(self, ds: xr.Dataset, *args, **kwargs) -> xr.Dataset:
"""Filter dataset for research user mode
This filter will select only QC=1 delayed mode data with pressure errors smaller than 20db
Use this filter instead of transform_data_mode and filter_qc
ds = ds.argo.filter_researchmode()
if ds.argo._type == "point":
ds["N_POINTS"] = np.arange(0, len(ds["N_POINTS"]))
return ds
class Fetch_wmo(ArgovisDataFetcher):
def init(self, WMO=[], CYC=None, **kwargs):
"""Create Argo data loader for WMOs and CYCs
WMO : list(int)
The list of WMOs to load all Argo data for.
CYC : int, np.array(int), list(int)
The cycle numbers to load.
self.WMO = WMO
self.CYC = CYC
self.definition = "?"
if self.dataset_id == "phy":
self.definition = "Argovis Argo data fetcher"
if self.CYC is not None:
self.definition = "%s for profiles" % self.definition
self.definition = "%s for floats" % self.definition
return self
def get_url(self, wmo: int, cyc: int = None) -> str:
"""Return path toward the source file of a given wmo/cyc pair"""
if cyc is None:
return f"{self.server}/argo?platform={str(wmo)}&data=pressure,temperature,salinity"
return f"{self.server}/argo?id={str(wmo)}_{str(cyc).zfill(3)}&data=pressure,temperature,salinity"
def uri(self):
"""List of URLs to load for a request
def list_bunch(wmos, cycs):
this = []
for wmo in wmos:
if cycs is None:
this += [self.get_url(wmo, c) for c in cycs]
return this
urls = list_bunch(self.WMO, self.CYC)
return self.url_encode(urls)
class Fetch_box(ArgovisDataFetcher):
def init(self, box: list, **kwargs):
"""Create Argo data loader
box : list(float, float, float, float, float, float, str, str)
The box domain to load all Argo data for:
box = [lon_min, lon_max, lat_min, lat_max, pres_min, pres_max]
box = [lon_min, lon_max, lat_min, lat_max, pres_min, pres_max, datim_min, datim_max]
self.BOX = box.copy()
if len(self.BOX) == 6:
# Select the last months of data:
end = pd.to_datetime("now", utc=True)
start = end - pd.DateOffset(months=1)
self.definition = "?"
if self.dataset_id == "phy":
self.definition = "Argovis Argo data fetcher for a space/time region"
return self
def get_url(self):
"""Return the URL used to download data"""
shape = [[self.BOX[0], self.BOX[2]], [self.BOX[1], self.BOX[3]]] # ll # ur
strShape = str(shape).replace(" ", "")
url = self.server + "/argo?data=pressure,temperature,salinity&box=" + strShape
url += "&startDate={}".format(
url += "&endDate={}".format(
url += "&presRange={},{}".format(self.BOX[4], self.BOX[5])
return url
def uri(self):
"""List of URLs to load for a request
Lt = np.timedelta64(
pd.to_datetime(self.BOX[7]) - pd.to_datetime(self.BOX[6]), "D"
MaxLenTime = 60
MaxLen = np.timedelta64(MaxLenTime, "D")
urls = []
if not self.parallelize:
# Check if the time range is not larger than allowed (MaxLenTime days):
if Lt > MaxLen:
self.Chunker = Chunker(
{"box": self.BOX},
chunks={"lon": 1, "lat": 1, "dpt": 1, "time": "auto"},
chunksize={"time": MaxLenTime},
boxes = self.Chunker.fit_transform()
for box in boxes:
opts = {
"ds": self.dataset_id,
"fs": self.fs,
"server": self.server,
urls.append(Fetch_box(box=box, **opts).get_url())
if "time" not in self.chunks_maxsize:
self.chunks_maxsize["time"] = MaxLenTime
elif self.chunks_maxsize["time"] > MaxLenTime:
"argovis only allows requests of %i days interval, "
"modify chunks_maxsize['time'] to %i" % (MaxLenTime, MaxLenTime)
self.chunks_maxsize["time"] = MaxLenTime
# Ensure time chunks will never exceed what's allowed by argovis:
if (
Lt > MaxLen
and "time" in self.chunks
and self.chunks["time"] not in ["auto"]
self.chunks["time"] = "auto"
self.Chunker = Chunker(
{"box": self.BOX}, chunks=self.chunks, chunksize=self.chunks_maxsize
boxes = self.Chunker.fit_transform()
for box in boxes:
opts = {
"ds": self.dataset_id,
"fs": self.fs,
"server": self.server,
return self.url_encode(urls)