Source code for argopy.options

This module manage options of the package

# Like always, largely inspired by xarray code:
import os
import warnings
import logging
import fsspec
from fsspec.core import split_protocol
from socket import gaierror
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from .errors import OptionValueError, FtpPathError, ErddapPathError

# Define a logger
log = logging.getLogger("argopy.options")

# Define option names as seen by users:
FTP = "ftp"
ERDDAP = 'erddap'
DATASET = "dataset"
CACHE_FOLDER = "cachedir"
CACHE_EXPIRATION = "cache_expiration"
USER_LEVEL = "mode"
API_TIMEOUT = "api_timeout"
TRUST_ENV = "trust_env"
SERVER = "server"
USER = "user"
PASSWORD = "password"

# Define the list of available options and default values:
    DATA_SOURCE: "erddap",
    FTP: "",
    ERDDAP: "",
    DATASET: "phy",
    CACHE_FOLDER: os.path.expanduser(os.path.sep.join(["~", ".cache", "argopy"])),
    USER_LEVEL: "standard",
    API_TIMEOUT: 60,
    TRUST_ENV: False,
    SERVER: None,
    USER: None,
    PASSWORD: None,

# Define the list of possible values
_DATA_SOURCE_LIST = frozenset(["erddap", "argovis", "gdac"])
_DATASET_LIST = frozenset(["phy", "bgc", "ref"])
_USER_LEVEL_LIST = frozenset(["standard", "expert", "research"])

# Define how to validate options:
def _positive_integer(value):
    return isinstance(value, int) and value > 0

def validate_ftp(this_path):
    if this_path != "-":
        return check_gdac_path(this_path, errors='raise')
        log.debug("OPTIONS['%s'] is not defined" % FTP)
        return False

def validate_http(this_path):
    if this_path != "-":
        return check_erddap_path(this_path, errors='raise')
        log.debug("OPTIONS['%s'] is not defined" % ERDDAP)
        return False

    DATA_SOURCE: _DATA_SOURCE_LIST.__contains__,
    FTP: validate_ftp,
    ERDDAP: validate_http,
    DATASET: _DATASET_LIST.__contains__,
    CACHE_FOLDER: lambda x: os.access(x, os.W_OK),
    CACHE_EXPIRATION: lambda x: isinstance(x, int) and x > 0,
    USER_LEVEL: _USER_LEVEL_LIST.__contains__,
    API_TIMEOUT: lambda x: isinstance(x, int) and x > 0,
    TRUST_ENV: lambda x: isinstance(x, bool),
    SERVER: lambda x: True,
    USER: lambda x: isinstance(x, str) or x is None,
    PASSWORD: lambda x: isinstance(x, str) or x is None,

[docs]class set_options: """Set options for argopy List of options: - ``dataset``: Define the Dataset to work with. Default: ``phy``. Possible values: ``phy``, ``bgc`` or ``ref``. - ``src``: Source of fetched data. Default: ``erddap``. Possible values: ``erddap``, ``gdac``, ``argovis`` - ``mode``: User mode. Default: ``standard``. Possible values: ``standard``, ``expert`` or ``research``. - ``ftp``: Default path to be used by the GDAC fetchers and Argo index stores Default: - ``erddap``: Default server address to be used by the data and index erddap fetchers Default: - ``cachedir``: Absolute path to a local cache directory. Default: ``~/.cache/argopy`` - ``cache_expiration``: Expiration delay of cache files in seconds. Default: 86400 - ``api_timeout``: Define the time out of internet requests to web API, in seconds. Default: 60 - ``trust_env``: Allow for local environment variables to be used to connect to the internet. Default: False. Argopy will get proxies information from HTTP_PROXY / HTTPS_PROXY environment variables if this option is True and it can also get proxy credentials from ~/.netrc file if this file exists. - ``user``/``password``: Username and password to use when a simple authentication is required. Default: None, None - ``server``: Other than expected/default server to be uses by a function/method. This is mostly intended to be used for unit testing Default: None You can use ``set_options`` either as a context manager for temporary setting: >>> import argopy >>> with argopy.set_options(src='gdac'): >>> ds = argopy.DataFetcher().float(3901530).to_xarray() or to set global options (at the beginning of a script for instance): >>> argopy.set_options(src='gdac') """
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.old = {} for k, v in kwargs.items(): if k not in OPTIONS: raise ValueError( "argument name %r is not in the set of valid options %r" % (k, set(OPTIONS)) ) if k == CACHE_FOLDER: os.makedirs(v, exist_ok=True) if k in _VALIDATORS and not _VALIDATORS[k](v): raise OptionValueError(f"option {k!r} given an invalid value: {v!r}") self.old[k] = OPTIONS[k] self._apply_update(kwargs)
def _apply_update(self, options_dict): OPTIONS.update(options_dict) def __enter__(self): return def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): self._apply_update(self.old)
def reset_options(): """Reset all options to default values""" set_options(**DEFAULT) def check_erddap_path(path, errors='ignore'): """Check if an url points to an ERDDAP server""" fs = fsspec.filesystem('http') check1 = fs.exists(path + "/info/index.json") if check1: return True elif errors == "raise": raise ErddapPathError("This url is not a valid ERDDAP server:\n%s" % path) elif errors == "warn": warnings.warn("This url is not a valid ERDDAP server:\n%s" % path) return False else: return False def check_gdac_path(path, errors='ignore'): # noqa: C901 """ Check if a path has the expected GDAC ftp structure Check if a path is structured like: . └── dac β”œβ”€β”€ aoml β”œβ”€β”€ ... β”œβ”€β”€ coriolis β”œβ”€β”€ ... β”œβ”€β”€ meds └── nmdis Examples: >>> check_gdac_path("") # True >>> check_gdac_path("") # True >>> check_gdac_path("") # True >>> check_gdac_path("/home/ref-argo/gdac") # True >>> check_gdac_path("") # False >>> check_gdac_path("") # False Parameters ---------- path: str Path name to check, including access protocol errors: str "ignore" or "raise" (or "warn") Returns ------- checked: boolean True if at least one DAC folder is found under path/dac/<dac_name> False otherwise """ # Create a file system for this path if split_protocol(path)[0] is None: fs = fsspec.filesystem('file') elif split_protocol(path)[0] in ['https', 'http']: fs = fsspec.filesystem('http') elif 'ftp' in split_protocol(path)[0]: try: host = urlparse(path).hostname port = 0 if urlparse(path).port is None else urlparse(path).port fs = fsspec.filesystem('ftp', host=host, port=port) except gaierror: if errors == 'raise': raise FtpPathError("Can't get address info (GAIerror) on '%s'" % host) elif errors == "warn": warnings.warn("Can't get address info (GAIerror) on '%s'" % host) return False else: return False else: raise FtpPathError("Unknown protocol for an Argo GDAC host: %s" % split_protocol(path)[0]) # dacs = [ # "aoml", # "bodc", # "coriolis", # "csio", # "csiro", # "incois", # "jma", # "kma", # "kordi", # "meds", # "nmdis", # ] # Case 1: # check1 = ( # fs.exists(path) # Fails on localhost for the mocked ftp server # and fs.exists(fs.sep.join([path, "dac"])) # # and np.any([fs.exists(fs.sep.join([path, "dac", dac])) for dac in dacs]) # Take too much time on http/ftp GDAC server # ) check1 = fs.exists(fs.sep.join([path, "dac"])) if check1: return True elif errors == "raise": raise FtpPathError("This path is not GDAC compliant (no `dac` folder with legitimate sub-folder):\n%s" % path) elif errors == "warn": warnings.warn("This path is not GDAC compliant:\n%s" % path) return False else: return False